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Sherman Peterson Tweet


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Apr 16, 2013
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I don't see any of us putting him down. Giving up 7 vs 1 is just a stat.
I'm sure every Hawk fan prefers Sherm over PP. When we hear otherwise, it is our right to voice our opinion. Again, I bet all Hawk fans respect PP.

It is a stat but I also noticed that qbs comp % is actually lower against Peterson compared to Sherman.

Also that 7 tds vs 1 tds stat sounds nice and all but I would love to see a replay of all 8 of those tds. For all we know on 3 or 4 of those tds scored on Peterson the Cardinals D could have been in a zone defense.

There's no guarantee that all those tds were score in 1 on 1 situations


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Just for the record I still think Revis is still the best corner in the league


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Apr 23, 2013
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Just for the record I still think Revis is still the best corner in the league

Then for the record your living in the past (I originally said an idiot, but deleted it cause your a good dude, but need to quit watching sportscenter).........Revis hasn't been a top corner since he got injured. There are 4 or 5 guys better now.....


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Revis is still a great corner trust me.

The Bucs didn't know how to use him. You don't turn a shutdown/press man to man corner into a zone CB playing 10 yards off the ball.

It's like if a team signed a cover 2 CB and wanted him to play man & press coverage, of course he would not look as good.

Guys like Sherman, Revis, Haden, and Peterson are not zone CBs. They are man to man shutdown corners.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I will say that Revis is still a very good CB, but he is certainly not the best anymore. His first 5-6 games in Tampa Bay he was very average. As the year progressed he played a lot better, but still not to the great level that we are used to with Revis as the best in the game.

Patrick Peterson, I like his potential and respect his talent, but his fundamentals, instincts, and ball skills are slightly behind Shermans. People are too enamored with physical and athletic abilities. Sherman is a smart CB. It sounds cliche, but separation is the preparation.

The reason why the TD to INT ratio is so drastically different is because when Patrick Peterson tries to bait a WR he relies too much on his athletic abilities. He puts himself in a 50/50 situation where if the QB makes the perfect throw or the WR makes a play, he's in a bad position and is likely to give up a TD

When Sherman baits a player it's because he has seen something on tape and knows exactly how that play will turn out if he positions himself in a certain spot on the field. One prime example is the Houston game.

If PP becomes more fundamentally sound and emphasizes "making the right play" rather than trying to "make the big play" all the time, he will have a chance to be as good as Sherman. But as of right now, there's no debate. Sherman is the best.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Not a chance I would take him over Sherman... He's a good player so I'm not saying I would frown having him on my squad, I'm just saying Sherman is a rare cover guy and is simply the best at what he does... He's got that long frame and his timing is incredible....


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Apr 22, 2013
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It is a stat but I also noticed that qbs comp % is actually lower against Peterson compared to Sherman.

Also that 7 tds vs 1 tds stat sounds nice and all but I would love to see a replay of all 8 of those tds. For all we know on 3 or 4 of those tds scored on Peterson the Cardinals D could have been in a zone defense.

There's no guarantee that all those tds were score in 1 on 1 situations


where did you see that at?

PP Comp % against = 52.8% ( straight up man to man no blitz )
Sherman's % against = 44.7% ( straight up man to man no blitz )

I used the stats that show the comp % on non-blitzing plays where QB's were not rushed to throw the ball. The more you know.


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
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I have a serious couple of questions to ask you guys since you guys watch Hawks games every Sunday. I know that there will be some homerism involved, but I would like you to try to be as objective as possible. For the record, I feel that Sherman is better then PP.

1. Do you think that Sherman's status as arguably the best CB in the NFL has been influenced in ANY way by the fact that the S play, both underneath with Kam or over the tip?

2. If so, how much in terms of a percentage do you feel is attributed to the LOB as a whole collectively raising the value of Sherman?

3. How much of a bump do you give PP for the fact that he locks horns with #1's all game long whereas often times, RS is simply on a side?


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Apr 22, 2013
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Well Dredinis The Safety play is great on the Hawks but they rarely help Sherman, he is left on a island on his side more often than not. This allows them to help on the other side making the defense on the side Sherman is not on also extremely strong. They help Maxwell out and roll coverage over that way. But as i said before Maxwell is also a VERY good CB in his own right. He started 5 games and had 4 INT's ( PP Started all season and had 3 ) He ( Maxwell ) had 12 PD ( 5 games ) and Peterson had 13 ( 16 games ). Now i am not saying Maxwell is better than PP not even close to saying that. What i am saying is PP is closer to Maxwell than he is to Sherman. PP is an extremely Athletic CB but being Athletic doesn't mean you are the best. Just ask Kurt Warner or Steve Largent. Both of these guys were at one point the best and neither is very athletic but both are Extremely smart. Just like Sherman.


Swollen Member
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Well Dredinis The Safety play is great on the Hawks but they rarely help Sherman, he is left on a island on his side more often than not. This allows them to help on the other side making the defense on the side Sherman is not on also extremely strong. They help Maxwell out and roll coverage over that way. But as i said before Maxwell is also a VERY good CB in his own right. He started 5 games and had 4 INT's ( PP Started all season and had 3 ) He ( Maxwell ) had 12 PD ( 5 games ) and Peterson had 13 ( 16 games ). Now i am not saying Maxwell is better than PP not even close to saying that. What i am saying is PP is closer to Maxwell than he is to Sherman. PP is an extremely Athletic CB but being Athletic doesn't mean you are the best. Just ask Kurt Warner or Steve Largent. Both of these guys were at one point the best and neither is very athletic but both are Extremely smart. Just like Sherman.

Although I agree with your assessment on some, it contradicts itself with others. First, you said that the S rarely help Sherman. But then you called Maxwell a VERY good CB, which wouldn't necessarily line up if your the stats attached to your S happens primarily over the #2. There is shared responsibility, is there not? I'm mostly playing devil's advocate although I have seen RS get safety help both short and long more then rarely.

Now you didn't address whether or not you give PP a credit bump for always guarding the other team's #1. That also plays to what percentage of snaps RS lined up across from the other team's #1. I don't know and am not willing to go through 16+ games of film to get that percentage, just an observation.

Like I said, I still believe RS is better then PP, I just don't think it is as distant a 2nd place for PP as many RS/Hawk fans.


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Although I agree with your assessment on some, it contradicts itself with others. First, you said that the S rarely help Sherman. But then you called Maxwell a VERY good CB, which wouldn't necessarily line up if your the stats attached to your S happens primarily over the #2. There is shared responsibility, is there not? I'm mostly playing devil's advocate although I have seen RS get safety help both short and long more then rarely.

Now you didn't address whether or not you give PP a credit bump for always guarding the other team's #1. That also plays to what percentage of snaps RS lined up across from the other team's #1. I don't know and am not willing to go through 16+ games of film to get that percentage, just an observation.

Like I said, I still believe RS is better then PP, I just don't think it is as distant a 2nd place for PP as many RS/Hawk fans.

I give PP a bump for guarding the other teams #1, but believe me when I say that I would love to see Sherman be allowed to do the same. I think he would do a good job of it, better then PP looking thru my rose colored glasses.
As for getting help from Thomas, sure it always helps if team mates can do their job well. After all it is a team sport and I'm sure the Cards safety does the same, but perhaps not as good.
With that being said, I'd take Sherman over PP right now. I think he just knows how to play the position better then PP. Call it the eye ball test, and yes I admit I'm a bit biased, but I think it's true.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I give PP a bump for guarding the other teams #1, but believe me when I say that I would love to see Sherman be allowed to do the same. I think he would do a good job of it, better then PP looking thru my rose colored glasses.
As for getting help from Thomas, sure it always helps if team mates can do their job well. After all it is a team sport and I'm sure the Cards safety does the same, but perhaps not as good.
With that being said, I'd take Sherman over PP right now. I think he just knows how to play the position better then PP. Call it the eye ball test, and yes I admit I'm a bit biased, but I think it's true.

Top corners don't really guard the other teams #1. The smart thing to do is give over the top help on the 1 with a press and let the top corner go against the 2 isolated. Rice and Neon's teams played against each other a lot but they lined up face to face a lot less than you would expect. Chasing a guy around the field isn't very easy when he has the initiative and when you have a stud at WR he's going to win the battle more often than not against anybody.


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where did you see that at?

PP Comp % against = 52.8% ( straight up man to man no blitz )
Sherman's % against = 44.7% ( straight up man to man no blitz )

I used the stats that show the comp % on non-blitzing plays where QB's were not rushed to throw the ball. The more you know.

The tweets. Unless i can't read


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Peterson had the advantage in qb% but sherman had the advantage in qb rating


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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Top corners don't really guard the other teams #1. The smart thing to do is give over the top help on the 1 with a press and let the top corner go against the 2 isolated. Rice and Neon's teams played against each other a lot but they lined up face to face a lot less than you would expect. Chasing a guy around the field isn't very easy when he has the initiative and when you have a stud at WR he's going to win the battle more often than not against anybody.


I don't want to see Sherman shadow anyone. Leave him to his areas of responsibility and let the others do the same. It works. Why fix it if it isn't broken?

For all this bravado by Peterson for doing that, how was their defense overall compared to ours? It might be good for his image, but not the best thing for the team IMO. Master your area and the complex interactions with everyone else. When you move everywhere more mistakes and communication problems are bound to happen.

Sherman is the best at what he does in the league. Wouldn't change a damned thing for him.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have a serious couple of questions to ask you guys since you guys watch Hawks games every Sunday. I know that there will be some homerism involved, but I would like you to try to be as objective as possible. For the record, I feel that Sherman is better then PP.

1. Do you think that Sherman's status as arguably the best CB in the NFL has been influenced in ANY way by the fact that the S play, both underneath with Kam or over the tip?

2. If so, how much in terms of a percentage do you feel is attributed to the LOB as a whole collectively raising the value of Sherman?

3. How much of a bump do you give PP for the fact that he locks horns with #1's all game long whereas often times, RS is simply on a side?

1. One of my pet peaves with their defense is how many holes they have in some of their zone schemes and how many times I've seen Thomas or Kam miss the handoff after sherman cuts into another route. It works both ways. Sherman does have help, like all CB's do, and those two safeties are the best combo in football, but Sherman wrecks guys one on one. That "tip" wasn't the first one of it's kind last year and it's something they practice. The LB or Safety on that side rolls under, not over and if Sherman gets to it he flicks it behind the play without looking to see if anyone is there to get it.

2. Not that much because of his 1 on 1 stats. They don't do much bracket coverage. They really don't.

3. Hard to say. It's not as much about shadowing a player all game as it is having to practice and prepare to play from both sides. Doubles the communication and chances of mistakes.

Remember, sherman has shadowed players before. Blew up Boldin pretty good when he was on him that one game. :whistle:


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I don't actual want the Seahawks to change any thing, but I'm sure Sherman could handle it if need be.


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Aren't Peterson and Sherman friends? I saw PP interviewed on NFL network last night and he seem like he was having fun with the trash talking between the 2


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Apr 23, 2013
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It is a stat but I also noticed that qbs comp % is actually lower against Peterson compared to Sherman.

Also that 7 tds vs 1 tds stat sounds nice and all but I would love to see a replay of all 8 of those tds. For all we know on 3 or 4 of those tds scored on Peterson the Cardinals D could have been in a zone defense.

There's no guarantee that all those tds were score in 1 on 1 situations

No argument there.