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Shame on you Georgia/HC Richt


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Or, as Richt and the kid hav both said, he looked to the sideline and said, coach, got kicked in the nads and need to come out. What do you want me to do? Hang there, we'll come out and get you. Equally plausible, especially in light of the video showing he did get hit in the nads.



Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I think why I am a skeptical is he was walking towards the sideline and he turned around. Why not just go down why turn around.

Richt explained that ... instead of being superman and trying to make it to the sideline, go down. It's not faking, it's within the rules, and it gives the D an advantage. As Richt said, what's the upside to trying to be a hero and limping your nads to the sideline quickly, when you are within your rights to not do that.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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blind UGA fan is blind


Member Sporting a Natty
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practicing their move


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Dec 22, 2009
PTC, Georgia
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Edisto is feisty. You dranking bro?


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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I like it mang. Strut that shit.


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Richt explained that ... instead of being superman and trying to make it to the sideline, go down. It's not faking, it's within the rules, and it gives the D an advantage. As Richt said, what's the upside to trying to be a hero and limping your nads to the sideline quickly, when you are within your rights to not do that.
But he didn't just go down, he was walking towards the sideline, got some signal from the sideline and came back towards the ball and went down. If he was in so much pain why walk back towards the refs and the ball?


Life is what you've made of it.
Sep 1, 2011
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Really impossible to determine who is faking an injury. I've seen people put on injured reserve in the NFL and it dosen't look like a hard hit at all. Sometimes you just come down badly on a foot or fall and land bad on a arm or back and it's curtains for the season.

Other times, a player really gets smashed and gets up and plays the next down.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
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All this shows what type person you are. Called me a liar, asked for proof. I proved you were a liar and then you just start making put downs a damn 12 year old would make. Damn, you are one smart dude! Were you sticking your tongue out as you wrote it! :L It's easy to see what type person Romeo is. He's a follower. We call them losers down here, (getting back to football), kind of like your VaTech Hokies are! :nod:



Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
Hoopla Cash
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blind UGA fan is blind

I'm not blind. We all saw a video. It looked really bad. We then saw another video and the coach and player explained what happened. The coaches explanation is reasonable and he is the type of coach most people would give the benefit of the doubt. You choose to ignore the second video and the coaches explanation. Neither of us has exact information, so you choose what serves your purpose, I choose what serves mine. If I am blind, you are equally blind. It's pretty simple.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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But he didn't just go down, he was walking towards the sideline, got some signal from the sideline and came back towards the ball and went down. If he was in so much pain why walk back towards the refs and the ball?

You really aren't listening. He as injured ... the coaches told him to go down, they would come get him. Instead of him continuing on, they tell him to go down. He turns around and makes a step and goes down. You can say that's wrong ... he should have gone to the sideline. But as Richt says, why do that when you can slow things down by going down and getting taken out and the new guy in. That isn't faking.

Again, can I be sure that is what happened? No, but that is a very rational explanation from a coach with a very good reputation. So, you can't be sure what happened either. That's all I am saying.


Member Sporting a Natty
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Yea, that was bad. South Carolina did it once too and it lead to "The Brawl" back in 03 or 04.
I did like Mussbergers take on it though. While ABC was hyping The Hill and the entrance, they showed all the UGA players at the bottom of The Hill and he said "Even Georgia had to take a peek."
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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watch UGA player 58. He is trotting off the field after faker is already down from the tater gun blast.

Come on this kid looked to the sideline like he was looking for a signal or play. Then turned around and went down and the kid next to him immediately started pointing like he knew it was going to happen or something.

blind UGA fan is blind

Careful or he'll use his "stalker filter" on you 2!!:lol:


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May 10, 2013
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I can't believe I read this whole thing!

Two schools of thought here:

1. Yes the SEC teams are afraid that this style will cause them problems. All you have to do is watch the 3rd and 4th quarters of the A&M v Bama game from last year to see that the big heavies from Bama needed a blow and A&M was not letting them get one. Bama's defense is damn good but it is based on raw power up front. Those guys are good for 4-5 plays and then they need to rotate. In my opinion it is smart football to not let the other team have what they want.

2. There are other ways to beat these teams besides using the hurry up offense. Oregon for example with all their speed could make the Bama defense chase to the edges all game long and wear out the defense without going hurry up. It requires a lot more energy to chase a rb sideline to sideline than it does to tackle the guy running straight at you. Bama and a lot of the SEC is based on power straight ahead football because that is the style played in their league. These guys out of their element is what make for great in game strategy.

And to weigh in on the orginal topic, faking an injury is just plan bush league and has no place in bigtime football. A player sitting out for number of plays after an injury sounds like a prudent safety measure to me. With all the new targeting rules about blows to the head do you really want a potentially injured player out there when he may be comprimised. Sounds like a lawsuit to me. And that is why the fake injury will go away and soon. When the defense starts losing their best player for a minimum amount of plays all the fake injury stuff will stop.


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May 4, 2013
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I can't believe I read this whole thing!

Two schools of thought here:

1. Yes the SEC teams are afraid that this style will cause them problems. All you have to do is watch the 3rd and 4th quarters of the A&M v Bama game from last year to see that the big heavies from Bama needed a blow and A&M was not letting them get one. Bama's defense is damn good but it is based on raw power up front. Those guys are good for 4-5 plays and then they need to rotate. In my opinion it is smart football to not let the other team have what they want.

2. There are other ways to beat these teams besides using the hurry up offense. Oregon for example with all their speed could make the Bama defense chase to the edges all game long and wear out the defense without going hurry up. It requires a lot more energy to chase a rb sideline to sideline than it does to tackle the guy running straight at you. Bama and a lot of the SEC is based on power straight ahead football because that is the style played in their league. These guys out of their element is what make for great in game strategy.

And to weigh in on the orginal topic, faking an injury is just plan bush league and has no place in bigtime football. A player sitting out for number of plays after an injury sounds like a prudent safety measure to me. With all the new targeting rules about blows to the head do you really want a potentially injured player out there when he may be comprimised. Sounds like a lawsuit to me. And that is why the fake injury will go away and soon. When the defense starts losing their best player for a minimum amount of plays all the fake injury stuff will stop.

You should be a coach! I guess all those other coaches going against Alabama and the SEC in the NC game aren't smart enough to figure that out because most those games have been complete blow outs in SEC favor. They should read this! :nod:


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Apr 22, 2013
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You really aren't listening. He as injured ... the coaches told him to go down, they would come get him. Instead of him continuing on, they tell him to go down. He turns around and makes a step and goes down. You can say that's wrong ... he should have gone to the sideline. But as Richt says, why do that when you can slow things down by going down and getting taken out and the new guy in. That isn't faking.

Again, can I be sure that is what happened? No, but that is a very rational explanation from a coach with a very good reputation. So, you can't be sure what happened either. That's all I am saying.
Once again, I said it was that he turned around. If he is hurt and the coach says they will come get him, which I don't remember them caring him off but that another issue, why turn back around and go towards the ball. If he is so hurt why not just go down and not turn around and come back towards the ball/refs.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
Hoopla Cash
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I can't believe I read this whole thing!

Two schools of thought here:

1. Yes the SEC teams are afraid that this style will cause them problems. All you have to do is watch the 3rd and 4th quarters of the A&M v Bama game from last year to see that the big heavies from Bama needed a blow and A&M was not letting them get one. Bama's defense is damn good but it is based on raw power up front. Those guys are good for 4-5 plays and then they need to rotate. In my opinion it is smart football to not let the other team have what they want.

2. There are other ways to beat these teams besides using the hurry up offense. Oregon for example with all their speed could make the Bama defense chase to the edges all game long and wear out the defense without going hurry up. It requires a lot more energy to chase a rb sideline to sideline than it does to tackle the guy running straight at you. Bama and a lot of the SEC is based on power straight ahead football because that is the style played in their league. These guys out of their element is what make for great in game strategy.

And to weigh in on the orginal topic, faking an injury is just plan bush league and has no place in bigtime football. A player sitting out for number of plays after an injury sounds like a prudent safety measure to me. With all the new targeting rules about blows to the head do you really want a potentially injured player out there when he may be comprimised. Sounds like a lawsuit to me. And that is why the fake injury will go away and soon. When the defense starts losing their best player for a minimum amount of plays all the fake injury stuff will stop.

Yet, we know this ... the last two decent SEC teams that Oregon played had no problem controlling the Oregon speed. I believe that Auburn in the NC and then LSU the following year kept them to well below their average yards and points. And the Auburn D that year wasn't exactly the best D in the world. I am confident that with the players the top tier of the SEC gets, they will be able to adjust.