Wow, if the reports coming in are true, we might've just dogged a huge bullet. 

Matt Barrows:
Joe Staley just walked out if the X-ray room under his own power. No limp.
I love listening to Gore talk. He seems like such a great public speaker
Tough mofo. Hope he's alright. A win we needed to save our season was put into limbo by a meaningless play that could ruin our season...
Eric Branch:
49ers Mike Iuapti and CB Tarell Brown have gotten postgame X-rays.
Brown I believe.... I thought I saw him tweak something...
Iupati though? fuck...
The last time an NFL team successfully made a fair catch kick (what the 49ers attempted at the end of the 2nd quarter) was in 1976. I'm not sure if that was posted or not during the telecast. I don't remember.
I understand the sentiment but what?