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S. Jones says we will run more.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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I heard that from Jaws yesterday that the Cowboys can't run the ball. These talking heads can't let facts get in the way of their bias towards the boys.
Did he give us his expert opinion on why?
What are we 20-0, 20-1 or something like that when Murray carries 20 times. (honestly dont remember the #, but know it is a high successful win pct.)

Our O-line is the one thing I can be excited about on this team. (finally)


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I heard that from Jaws yesterday that the Cowboys can't run the ball. These talking heads can't let facts get in the way of their bias towards the boys.

Jaws...master of living in the past...some legit analysis but the nuggets get fewer and fewer...:doh::L


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I can't blame Romo's decision vs GB. I blame the throw itself. If he makes a decent throw that was probably 6 points. I think we saw in the DEt game what a team can do in 3 plays.

One play??? I don't think this topic exists because of when play where we decided to pass instead of run...


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Jul 18, 2013
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True in that particular game. Still though, GArrett and ROmo are pretty sharp fellows. I tend to trust their judgement. We talk about the game management all the time. I think it's more about execution. We have ran the clock out before but we have also tried to run the ball at the end and wind up losing.


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One play??? I don't think this topic exists because of when play where we decided to pass instead of run...

The original post in this thread mentions 3 games and blowing late leads. Green Bay. DEt. Denver. Then it was brought up that romo could be audibling out of plays.


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True in that particular game. Still though, GArrett and ROmo are pretty sharp fellows. I tend to trust their judgement. We talk about the game management all the time. I think it's more about execution. We have ran the clock out before but we have also tried to run the ball at the end and wind up losing.

Being smart and having good judgment aren't the same thing. Both seem to be very smart and both have been proven to have very poor judgment when it matters most.


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The original post in this thread mentions 3 games and blowing late leads. Green Bay. DEt. Denver. Then it was brought up that romo could be audibling out of plays.

Correct. Not one play and even the one play you did mention kind of doesn't help your case...


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Jul 18, 2013
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How does it not help my case. If romo makes a good throw then we can take a knee. I love how sometimes as fans we actually think we are smarter than the coaches and players that are making these critical decisions. I mean I guess we have nfl network that we can break down plays. All I needed to watch last yr was Detroit the final 3 plays. 80 yds in 1 minute. That tells me we can't afford to try to run the ball against a 9 man box.

R.J. MacReady

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I want them to run the ball more but to do it methodically. Run the ball in a manner that is mindful to what the defense is giving you. I get the feeling sometimes we lock in on too many running plays regardless of what the defensive match up we get.


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Seems like we have heard this before. The bronco game was different than the detroit and packer games, sometimes I wish Jerrah and stevie would just STFU. I am expecting to see more of the same,but I have a feeling the defense might be improved a little. We need to have 3 or 4 rookies to come in and make a difference,


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Aug 19, 2013
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How does it not help my case. If romo makes a good throw then we can take a knee. I love how sometimes as fans we actually think we are smarter than the coaches and players that are making these critical decisions. I mean I guess we have nfl network that we can break down plays. All I needed to watch last yr was Detroit the final 3 plays. 80 yds in 1 minute. That tells me we can't afford to try to run the ball against a 9 man box.

You sound like N5 on that point. Players and coaches absolutely make mistakes all the time and calling them out on it is part of being a fan on a message baord. It's a cop out to say because they decided it was right and they are the coach and QB that we can't question it.

I don't decide whether something was a smart move or not solely based on whether it succeeds or even worse, could have succeeded. Stupid decuisions are successful all the time and the right decisions turn out wrong all the time. That is life when both sides are human and both get paid to win. For example, If it is 4th and 35 yards to go with one minute left in the game and you are on your own 20 yard line and out of timeouts and are losing by 6 points you can run or pass. If the team runs and happens to run the ball for a game winning TD it was a stupid decision. If they do so, but it's called back for a hold unrelated to the play it is also still a stupid play IMO, but under your rules it's a smart play that we ran and just didn't work out because of the hold.

Anyway, the point is again not about one play. It is about...oh nevermind...Romo is great!!!


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I want them to run the ball more but to do it methodically. Run the ball in a manner that is mindful to what the defense is giving you. I get the feeling sometimes we lock in on too many running plays regardless of what the defensive match up we get.

Really? I don't get that feeling at all. It seems to me we only run the ball when we get the exact defense we think we can run it against and if not that exact defense we audible out of the run. That is why many opponents have stated they know exactly what we are going to do. They move a safety up late, we audible to a pass and then they drop him back again and the defenders pin their ears back. Who knows, maybe it's me that's off on this one...

Marlins Fan

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Running more would require a lead in a game. Can't run while catching up.

I doubt Dallas will have many leads they try to run out considering the defense they'll be Fielding.


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Running more would require a lead in a game. Can't run while catching up.

I doubt Dallas will have many leads they try to run out considering the defense they'll be Fielding.

Well we were a score short of making the playoffs for like 3 straight years and our defense this year IMO will be better than last year (not to act as if that is difficult) so I don't buy that excuse. Average teams win half their games and are in almost all of them. We certainly have been no worse than average lately and I expect teh same this year. Plus, if you were the coach of a team with a horrible defense wouldn't you want to shorten the game a little and control the clock by running the ball? The best way for us to help our defense is by keeping them off the field as much as possible. Not running a track meet.

Otis B. Driftwood

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I just hope we can run the ball more. It sure would make everything else a lot less complicated.


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Im not making this all about Romo. This is a team thing. They have to execute better. Whether its Phillip Tanner bouncing a play outside and causing a hold or Romo throwing a pick or a DB letting a pass get behind them- they have to execute better as a whole. I know you are talking about a whole game in general and not just the last 5 minutes. If we execute better quarters 1-3 , pick up more 3rd downs, then we will run the ball more.

R.J. MacReady

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The good thing about running the ball ...it help takes the bricks out of Romo's bag.

The 2 last teams in pass attempts last year, Seattle & San Fran. But it sure does help when your qb's can run too.

The counter argument ...The Bronco's had the 2nd most pass attempts. Go figure.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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How does it not help my case. If romo makes a good throw then we can take a knee. I love how sometimes as fans we actually think we are smarter than the coaches and players that are making these critical decisions. I mean I guess we have nfl network that we can break down plays. All I needed to watch last yr was Detroit the final 3 plays. 80 yds in 1 minute. That tells me we can't afford to try to run the ball against a 9 man box.

this could be a sound argument.
I counter with this.
If we were running some of the clock out (not saying run every play making it uber predictable) It would have taken a lot longer for the Lions to come back from 3 scores.
Broncos game I think had to be a shootout.
But here is my thing.
When we are successfully running against the stacked box. Why all of a sudden abandon the whole running game & just start passing, like we have in the past for no reason. I think JG & Romo try to outsmart themselves sometimes.

My biggest gripe is how predictable our play calling on offense. Well & we should never abandon the running game when we are running it down their throats! Packers game was probably the most annoying loss we had.
It is like we can win any game at the end. Unless we get a 2 score lead on the team. Then it is like we are doomed to lose in the end. Sick of coaching not to lose. So when we do run the ball to try & run out the clock. It is like we are just saying we are planning on a 3 & out & let the defense stop you (yeah right)
So while I still want us to do some passing with a lead. I hate when we quit running when it is working. Well actually I hate when we quit running period. Whether it is working or not. Quit being so predictable I say.

One game though Murray had like a 5.2 yd avg or something. 2nd half. think he ran like 5 times. We for no reason just quit running.

Earl Stevens

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BTW, I'm pretty sure we tried to run the ball against Detroit to ice the game and I'm pretty sure we still found a way to blow it even then. What changed the outcome of our season was pure stupidity, turnovers at bad times by the quarterback or some other offensive player, and horrible defense. Had little to do with the effectiveness of our run game. Nobody wants this offense to be a ball-control heavy rushing attack offense more than me, but let's just be real here. Jones is out to lunch here.

Every game situation is different. Teams adjust schemes and play certain ways. Running the ball more doesn't guarantee that the players and the coaches will handle pressure better. That was proven in the Detroit game this past season when all we had to do was simply run it three times without committing a penalty and give them ball back with less than 20 seconds. That was proven against Baltimore a couple of years ago when we rushed for like 300 yards and still found a way to blow it. Aside from poor scouting and player evaluations, how the players and coaches have handled pressure on the field have been far more the issue with this franchise in recent memory than how many times they've run the ball.
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