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Russell Wilson


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"But the last two weeks have served as a good reminder that he is still a relatively young quarterback who has the ability to develop. A month or two from now, it's possible that the discussion of what his ceiling could be and what type of quarterback he is could be different than it is currently."

This is the part that Seahawk fans forget. We've got another 10 years (injury notwithstanding) to watch him continue to develop and get better.

I think the fact that RW has been so successful so quickly has spoiled fans and they somehow think that he should be no different than a 10 year vet.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Players get paid for what they've done for the most part... RW hasn't played that great this year after signing a huge contract... Up until 2 weeks ago, I personally don't believe he was earning his paycheck... Am I ok w/ his contract? Of course because he go paid for what he's done for our franchise along w/ the future of our org...

However, when you get the big pay day, the bigger the expectations are... There is a reason no one has complained about RW one time w/ the pay check he's been receiving until this season... We definitely were getting a bargain w/ RW... Now, we're not getting the bargain so the criticism will be there...

I was critical with RW's decision making in the beginning with his int's and over throws of open wr's. With that said, he has earned every dollar cause playing behind that o-line at the beginning of the year probably would have knocked out half the QB's in the league. That contract he signed is still a bargain cause if RW walked into FA, some other team would have thrown more money in his direction and we're back to square one. Wether he made 500k or 8mil a year I have been crtitcal at times.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I think the fact that RW has been so successful so quickly has spoiled fans and they somehow think that he should be no different than a 10 year vet.

They also seem to not notice that I0 year vets struggle at times too.


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Aug 18, 2014
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They also seem to not notice that I0 year vets struggle at times too.

Very true.

Honestly there have been very few times this year where I was concerned with Wilson because almost all of his "faults" centered around his pass protection being non-existent. Even his willingness to leave the pocket early is based almost entirely on fears of a marauding lineman.


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May 25, 2013
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For Wilson the only things I really have a problem with are throwing too high to open WR, holding the ball to long (mainly don't want him to get blown up, even though those plays seemed to usually turn into the 50- 60 yard passes down field), Holding the ball way to loose (IE the fumbles) and finally NOT attacking the middle of the field enough. The seams and middle throws always feel like those are open and the team racks up yards when we go there but for 80- 90% of the games its out curls or quick bubble screens. (think most of its play calling but still would like to see more of it) Other wise I'm just enjoying the ride and going HOW on Earth did he get away from that sack??? Man sometimes hes just crazy!!


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Jul 16, 2013
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The big takeaway from the game for me is how accurate he is when he can step into balls. Everyone talks about how he sucks in the pocket, but the fact is that if some pocket passer with no mobility were in there behind what this line was a few weeks ago then he wouldn't last 4 quarters. He's got a really strong, accurate arm and if you can give him a little time he's going to drill it in there. He has no problems in the pocket if you actually give him one.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Andrew who?

Thats all i gotta say.


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Dec 28, 2014
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Russell has certainly been lights-out the last 2 games. Like a couple others have said, maybe the most impressive part about his performance is just the he got here, survived the OL for the first 5 or 6 games when most of the other QBs probably wouldnt have.

If the pass protection holds up like this down the stretch, the offense is going to be good enough to afford the D to figure some things out and settle down against some lesser QBs until we get to Palmer in week 16.


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Aug 15, 2014
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The big takeaway from the game for me is how accurate he is when he can step into balls.

I'd like somebody to ask Brock about this, because while I've never seen him truly throw with shvtty mechanics, I think you're onto something with the 'striding' thing. I think when he's got those shuffle step happy feet, he sometimes resorts to that baseball throw 'flick' of the arm throw, not exactly throwing off his back foot, but still not transferring his weight forward.

He doesn't sail balls as much when he can follow through like he did this last Sunday.


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I'd like somebody to ask Brock about this, because while I've never seen him truly throw with shvtty mechanics, I think you're onto something with the 'striding' thing. I think when he's got those shuffle step happy feet, he sometimes resorts to that baseball throw 'flick' of the arm throw, not exactly throwing off his back foot, but still not transferring his weight forward.

He doesn't sail balls as much when he can follow through like he did this last Sunday.

He used to play 2nd base and a 2nd baseman has to release the ball in all sorts of different angles. It's one of his talents but you can see what he can do when his feet are set. I don't blame him for having happy feet because he would be getting creamed if he didn't.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Russell will go over 3000 yards passing on the season with his next completion. With 4 games remaining, it's quite possible he can become the first Seattle QB to ever go for 4k in a season. Matt Hasselbeck currently holds the single season franchise record at 3966, set in 2007.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Russell will go over 3000 yards passing on the season with his next completion. With 4 games remaining, it's quite possible he can become the first Seattle QB to ever go for 4k in a season. Matt Hasselbeck currently holds the single season franchise record at 3966, set in 2007.

I always felt the hand cuffs were tight on his wrists and looks like they're off. He has this offense moving on all cylinders and damn they look impressive.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I always felt the hand cuffs were tight on his wrists and looks like they're off. He has this offense moving on all cylinders and damn they look impressive.

I think it helps tremendously that the offensive line has been playing easily its best football of the season for the last few weeks. They looked like a complete dumpster fire in pass protection for the first half of the season, but have managed to figure things out to the point that when Wilson has gone out of the pocket recently, it's been by choice much more often than by necessity. Could it really be as easy as having a different starting center for the past few weeks? It looks that way.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think it helps tremendously that the offensive line has been playing easily its best football of the season for the last few weeks. They looked like a complete dumpster fire in pass protection for the first half of the season, but have managed to figure things out to the point that when Wilson has gone out of the pocket recently, it's been by choice much more often than by necessity. Could it really be as easy as having a different starting center for the past few weeks? It looks that way.
I think we all recognized that the OL was going to improve as the season went on. Now how much it could improve was certainly questionable, but the last few weeks they have been adequate for sure.... and it's no mere coincidence that the entire O is way better. It was frustrating to watch early on, but clearly the OL decisions this off-season were for long term gain even if it meant some short term pain. Not declaring the pain completely over yet, but I doubt it will dip down anywhere close to where it was the first few games.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I think it helps tremendously that the offensive line has been playing easily its best football of the season for the last few weeks. They looked like a complete dumpster fire in pass protection for the first half of the season, but have managed to figure things out to the point that when Wilson has gone out of the pocket recently, it's been by choice much more often than by necessity. Could it really be as easy as having a different starting center for the past few weeks? It looks that way.

I think you're right that a little tweek to the line with a new center has helped wonders. If the line can continue to play like this which is way above our expectations considering what we saw to start the season, the Hawks are going to be very tough to beat.


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Apr 21, 2013
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The Seahawks offensive line allowed 31 sacks in the first 7 games of the season. I know they weren't totally responsible for all 31, but they were credited with 31. Anyway... in the five games since, they've allowed just 7 sacks. That's a huge improvement and it's hard to think of any other changes they made than switching centers.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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The Seahawks offensive line allowed 31 sacks in the first 7 games of the season. I know they weren't totally responsible for all 31, but they were credited with 31. Anyway... in the five games since, they've allowed just 7 sacks. That's a huge improvement and it's hard to think of any other changes they made than switching centers.

Well, the center is as responsible for the protections as anyone. Reports out of camp were than Nowak wasn't ready for the mental side of playing center, but he was physically the best. Cable has always seemed to prefer physical to mental, so it isn't a surprise they went with Nowak, and it isn't surprising that the rest of the line has fared much better without him in there.


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I think we all recognized that the OL was going to improve as the season went on. Now how much it could improve was certainly questionable, but the last few weeks they have been adequate for sure.... and it's no mere coincidence that the entire O is way better. It was frustrating to watch early on, but clearly the OL decisions this off-season were for long term gain even if it meant some short term pain. Not declaring the pain completely over yet, but I doubt it will dip down anywhere close to where it was the first few games.
No, not all of us JMR. I know you were patient and was ok in giving it a chance to gel, but some of the unfaithful did not see it that way at all.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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The Seahawks offensive line allowed 31 sacks in the first 7 games of the season. I know they weren't totally responsible for all 31, but they were credited with 31. Anyway... in the five games since, they've allowed just 7 sacks. That's a huge improvement and it's hard to think of any other changes they made than switching centers.

Even the sacks taken that weren't attributed to the OL filter back to the fact that a QB who can't trust his line to block for more than 2 seconds needs to make faster decisions, and sometimes for RW, that meant trying to scramble into sacks when he may not have needed to.

Basically I'm saying the bad OL play got in Wilson's head this year and it's only gotten better since Lewis took over at C. It looks like RW is trusting his line more and keeping his eyes downfield longer, only scrambling when necessary instead of panicking and running too early.


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Apr 21, 2013
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No, not all of us JMR. I know you were patient and was ok in giving it a chance to gel, but some of the unfaithful did not see it that way at all.

I have to count myself among the people that didn't see the offensive line improving much, if at all, considering what they did in the first 7 weeks of the season. Before the season, it wasn't crazy to assume that there'd be a gradual improvement. Any position group with that many changes was likely to struggle early and then slowly get better, but after seven weeks of looking absolutely awful and not even seeing that gradual improvement, there was absolutely no reason for anyone to expect them to flip a switch and all of a sudden do what they've been doing for the last month or so. I'm certainly happy that they flipped that switch, but after a while it just looked like it wasn't going to happen this year.