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Romo deep throws


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Ever the optimist I won't panic yet. Yes it is concerning but I seem to remember all the stories about Manning having no zip on his passes last preseason. I hope this is just Romo being cautious about his back for now and will be fine after he takes his first hit.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Im just wondering what deep balls actually mean . I watched him in the scrimmage - he threw a wounded duck maybe 40 to 50 yds to Twill. If deep balls mean passes that are 40 or more yards in the air , then Im not concerned. I read he was 2 for 5 last season on passes that traveled 40 or more yards. Teams just dont throw deep passes like they use to. Only 4 QBs threw more than 16 over 40.

As far as being concerned with Romo- I saw an interview with him and Chris Simms from 2 or 3 days ago. He said that if the SF game were tomorrow- he THINKS he would be able to play. 100 percent healthy - I dont think so


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I think I have only seen him throw it 60 plus yards in the air once

R.J. MacReady

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It's nice to keep up with the deep balls to keep the corners honest ..but we have not been doing that for some time. But that is not what is really broken.

The Cowboys are close to dead last in play action the last couple of years. Which may be the reason they were really bad in 3rd down conversions last year.

Fixing this is way more of an issue than the deep ball.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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The Cowboys are close to dead last in play action the last couple of years. Which may be the reason they were really bad in 3rd down conversions last year.

Fixing this is way more of an issue than the deep ball.

YES YES YES. I've always said completing the deep ball isn't all that important. Being able to throw it and the willingness to use it will keep the DB's honest. Just overthrowing everybody every other game or so will make the defense at least play to protect the deep ball opening up the short middle of the field. Being able to run the ball slows down the pass rush giving the QB precious seconds to make the right play. If this staff and Romo will use the running game Romo's job will be much easier. Isn't that what Jones has preached. Romo Friendly offense.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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It's nice to keep up with the deep balls to keep the corners honest ..but we have not been doing that for some time. But that is not what is really broken.

The Cowboys are close to dead last in play action the last couple of years. Which may be the reason they were really bad in 3rd down conversions last year.

Fixing this is way more of an issue than the deep ball.

BUT....isn't play action many times the long ball? A solid ground game remains the key to play action. Schemed and scouted...tendencies play a big part in all of this successful stuff with regards to play action. Throw when they have 8 in the box kinda stuff. Second and 1....why not?????

Now specking of some fucked up cowboy fans and the politically correct crap spewed. Look no further than the Fan Nation style cowboy slop fest on the general board. Gees...shoot me now!

Pitch a tent over that circus and cue the circus music if you please!!!


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I hate politically correct bull shit.

new season....new adventure and ain't nobody have a joy stick


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Jul 18, 2013
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YES YES YES. I've always said completing the deep ball isn't all that important. Being able to throw it and the willingness to use it will keep the DB's honest. Just overthrowing everybody every other game or so will make the defense at least play to protect the deep ball opening up the short middle of the field. Being able to run the ball slows down the pass rush giving the QB precious seconds to make the right play. If this staff and Romo will use the running game Romo's job will be much easier. Isn't that what Jones has preached. Romo Friendly offense.

This is the real reason why Romo is consistently in the second tier of QBs in this league, even if the "experts" don't know it. He has the skill set to be more than he has been, but for whatever reason, neither Garrett nor Romo understands the true value of the running game and how the threat of it makes the QBs job easier. All this BS about the coverage dictating audibles is just that, BS. It comes from a lack of understanding of and appreciation for the running game.

Romo would easily be in the "elite" category of QBs if he and Garrett would get it through their heads that even a mediocre run game makes the passing game more effective. His end of the game screw-ups would be reduced dramatically and we would be a perennial play-off caliber team. It might not look as good on paper at the end of the day, but it would look better on the scoreboard more often than not.

Now that we have an immensely improved O-line from what we have had in the recent past, there is absolutely no reason not to use the run to set up the pass. If we go through another year like we did last year, where the run was abandoned simply because of what the defense was doing, I'm gonna...:exploding:

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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BUT....isn't play action many times the long ball? A solid ground game remains the key to play action. Schemed and scouted...tendencies play a big part in all of this successful stuff with regards to play action. Throw when they have 8 in the box kinda stuff. Second and 1....why not?????

Now specking of some fucked up cowboy fans and the politically correct crap spewed. Look no further than the Fan Nation style cowboy slop fest on the general board. Gees...shoot me now!

Pitch a tent over that circus and cue the circus music if you please!!!

I'm all for a bag of tricks that revolve around the running game.


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Aug 19, 2013
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This is the real reason why Romo is consistently in the second tier of QBs in this league, even if the "experts" don't know it. He has the skill set to be more than he has been, but for whatever reason, neither Garrett nor Romo understands the true value of the running game and how the threat of it makes the QBs job easier. All this BS about the coverage dictating audibles is just that, BS. It comes from a lack of understanding of and appreciation for the running game.

Romo would easily be in the "elite" category of QBs if he and Garrett would get it through their heads that even a mediocre run game makes the passing game more effective. His end of the game screw-ups would be reduced dramatically and we would be a perennial play-off caliber team. It might not look as good on paper at the end of the day, but it would look better on the scoreboard more often than not.

Now that we have an immensely improved O-line from what we have had in the recent past, there is absolutely no reason not to use the run to set up the pass. If we go through another year like we did last year, where the run was abandoned simply because of what the defense was doing, I'm gonna...:exploding:

I agree with your theory, but you took it way too far for me. There isn't a person on here who has been more for running the ball than me and I had countless arguments of how much better we are with Murray playing a big role. But, it isn't a panacea either. To say Romo would easily be elite QB and the Cowboys would be a perennial play-off caliber team just by running the ball more is IMO unrealistic...


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Romo deep passes last year were not good. He underthrew Dez a few times when he was open, run the damn ball and the deep plays return


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Aug 19, 2013
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Romo deep passes last year were not good. He underthrew Dez a few times when he was open, run the damn ball and the deep plays return

Not just last year. Romo has never been good at the deep ball. There have been countless times that he has just had to lay it in there and it's a TD or huge gain and he misses over and over. Not a huge deal, but contrary to what some have said in this thread it IS important. It's just as important as when our CBs get beat deep and the play is against us. Completing those passes can often be the difference between winning and losing.

What I've noticed is that it seems to be more the type of route or pass than the length. For instance he is very accurate on the deep out and comebacks so it isn't an arm strength issue. He just doesn't seem to have the touch or timing to put some air under it and drop the ball in when the guy is running straight down the field away from him. Not just the real deep stuff, but look at that pass to Miles against the GMen where he just needed to put a little touch on it (or even better just zip it to him and get the first instead of trying to lead him) and we win the game. Only a 7 yard pass, but he was just way off...I know, I know, the Sun was in his eyes:L But then he completes that seam pass to Witten all the time (and often in a huge clutch spot) when he puts a little gas on it.


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Jul 18, 2013
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I agree with your theory, but you took it way too far for me. There isn't a person on here who has been more for running the ball than me and I had countless arguments of how much better we are with Murray playing a big role. But, it isn't a panacea either. To say Romo would easily be elite QB and the Cowboys would be a perennial play-off caliber team just by running the ball more is IMO unrealistic...

When I first typed that out, I deleted it, thinking, "Uh, that might be a stretch." But then I got to thinking about the last three years 8-8 years. There were at least two games each of those years the Cowboys should have won but didn't, in large part because they quit running the football.

We can't say for sure what the outcome of those games would have been necessarily, but it is striking how they each demonstrated a profound lack of understanding of the value of the run game. If they would have won those games, we would be looking at 10-6 the last three years, which would have easily gotten us into the playoffs each year.

So, maybe I overstated my case, but three years in a row with Garrett at the helm and Romo calling the audibles of Garrett's system we have been 8-8.

Earl Stevens

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Not just last year. Romo has never been good at the deep ball..

I disagree. Romo was a good deep ball thrower before he broke his collarbone. Think back to the Owens' years and the year Austin broke out in 2009. After he broke his collarbone, he has never been the same with the deep ball and not coincidentally, we have not made the playoffs since then. Then add to that multiple back injuries, not to mention the punctured lung and his ribs. One of the things that we used to be great in we are no longer, and that's the big plays. We have been missing that element from this offense for years and Romo's decline with the deep ball is a good reason why.
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His best deep throw to Austin was the one when Miles would run by the defense and Tony would launch it to him and we'd get a PI out of hit. Romo's touch has always been off on the deep ball going back to the beginning of his time here. Completed a few of them is meaningless. You need to complete most of them when the player is open. Other teams get a step or two on our DBs and the pass gets completed deep more often than not. Our guys often need 3 plus steps so they can pull on the "area throw".


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Jul 22, 2013
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All the elite passers except for Manning can consistently through the deep ball. If I can use a basketball analogy remember about 5 yrs ago only your best shooters where taking a high volume of three pointers....today even mediocre shooters have starter shooting three's and lots of them. Coaches finally began to understand and apply a "money ball concept" in basketball if you will". Shooter takes an eighteen footer and connect at 34% same guy takes 2 steps back be hind the 3 point line and now shoots 30% and now avg's 9 more point a game he's become a more dangerous player. (My numbers aren't fyi) my point is when teams his 10 (2)'s its only 20 you hit the same 10 (3)'s it's 30

Back to football and the deep ball if you got a qb that can complete the deep ball at a 50% clip he has become more dangerous and the S's have to respect that, in fact know yoru running game and play-action have become even more dangerous because team now know you can beat them deep. Teams don't Respect Romo's deep ball because they know he can complete it with even avg accuracy.