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I just got some gas myself
Oddly I wasn't followed by the media
Oddly I wasn't followed by the media
white SUV....coincidence?
down, he starts driving 20 mph on the pike we know whats up
Is Al Cowlings in Boston?
down, he starts driving 20 mph on the pike we know whats up
well you can take the boy out of the ghetto but you cant get the ghetto out of the boy ... old habits are hard to break
bristol, connecticut is the ghetto???
new haven ghetto would clownstomp bristol ghetto
I full expect when I get back in an hour or so that Aaron Hernandez has been arrested for at least being an accomplice to manslaughter. If he were innocent, he'd be shouting it from the rooftops.
bristol, connecticut is the ghetto???
not really. my grandmother lived in new haven most of her life, my father grew up there...i was practically raised near east rock
i know that area well
Aaron Hernandez has got to be the smallest TE in NFL history? Standing next to Tommy he looks like Spud Webb.
Aaron Hernandez has got to be the smallest TE in NFL history? Standing next to Tommy he looks like Spud Webb.
brady is like 6'5
and hernandez isnt a true TE, hes a hybrid...played a lot of WR at UF, plays some WR here at times (or lines up there)
hernandez is listed at 6'2