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Risers and Fallers


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Apr 19, 2013
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68, he did not warrant a reply. I did not watch the games as stated. I did know who was inactive though. I treat trustme like he is IFFY these days...

Does anyone on this site have a sense of humor? IT WAS A JOKE. I guess I will type it out next time to make it more obvious, as I guess the smiley face that is laughing didn't get the job done. I've already stated I haven't watch a snap of preseason football and won't watch a snap either, as the games are pointless.


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#81 didn't play.

Please see my reply above this -- in the future, I will type it out if I'm joking, being sarcastic, etc. as the smiley faces aren't cutting it.


Apr 17, 2013
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Does anyone on this site have a sense of humor? IT WAS A JOKE. I guess I will type it out next time to make it more obvious, as I guess the smiley face that is laughing didn't get the job done. I've already stated I haven't watch a snap of preseason football and won't watch a snap either, as the games are pointless.

I have a awesome sense of humor. My statement was not a joke, hence no smiley face...
I have stopped reading MOST of your post and rebuttals on these threads. It pointless!!

You can play Captain Obvious in the future...


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I have a awesome sense of humor. My statement was not a joke, hence no smiley face...
I have stopped reading MOST of your post and rebuttals on these threads. It pointless!!

Well I apologize for trying to make a joke. I thought the smiley face laughing at the end, would let people know I wasn't being serious. I will never make that mistake again.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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You must add the predictable "beginning of the game reverse" play that Linehan loves to use. It's falling faster than TP's boxers in a gay club. :nod:

Jokes on you asshole- I wear briefs!


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I want to know where TP is to cuss everyone out for talking smack about players on the Lions team? I continue to read comments being made by others that I made months ago and it made me "mr. negative".

What makes you "Mr. Negative" is being a coward-ass pussy just like this. I've been gone for several days, but your estrogen is clearly spiking and you feel the need to start shit for no reason. You're a bitch, straight-up, no doubt about it. People here can't stand you because you have a massive superiority complex that is completely unwarranted.

I'd say I feel sorry for your wife for having to put up with that shit, too, but from the sounds of it she's the bread-winner that pays the bills while you play arcade games for a "living". I'd imagine your tough-guy, know-it-all persona here on the board is just a projection for your inadequacies in your real life.

I do find it somewhat satisfying though to see others eating crow and posting without blinders on, while finally admitting to the same faults that have been brought up for much of the offseason.
Nobody is eating crow you stupid asshole. Most of us are able to see, and talk about, the team in a positive manner during the offseason, yet still realize that they were horrible against the Browns. Just because you're a salty vagina and talk shit about our team all the time doesn't mean the rest of us are eating any crow when we have negative things to say after a shitty performance.

Sometimes I thing you couldn't be any more of an ignorant asshole, and then you go and post shit like this... What a fucking chicken shit you are...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I figured since TrustMe was clearly in a shit-talking mood I'd indulge him a bit. :whistle:

Hopefully this doesn't get me in trouble with HammerDown... :hope:


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Apr 19, 2013
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Hate to break it to you trustme but there are plenty of people here that talked about the lions weaknesses before the preseason started. They dont need to toot their own horn for two reasons. One, its a douche bag thing to do, and two its the second preseason game, you yourself said they are pointless.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I went back and watched the 2nd half of the Browns game yesterday and here is what I saw:

--I am comfortable with Shaun Hill as our backup. He may not be a gunslinger, or have the strongest arm, but he can methodically move us downfield and knows the playbook extremely well. If we're in the playoff hunt and Stafford goes down, I would still consider us in the hunt.

--Matt Willis needs to make the team. He hasn't been overly impressive, but he's consistent and he hangs on to the ball. He had a really nice game last week, and had 3 catches this week. I can see him making it over Fuller.

--Theo Riddick looked better than what I have read on here. He had the one drop last week(chalk it up to nerves?) but he looked good this week. He hit the holes with speed and power and showed his shiftiness in the receiving game. He is the type of RB we need as a 4th. Miller may be lightning quick in the return game, but I haven't seen any of him in the backfield to judge whether he should make it or not.

--Bentley wasn't as bad as people said either. He isn't Deion Sanders by any means, but I thought he played solid. He had a couple nice pass deflections and isn't afraid to stick his body in there to make tackles. We need that in our secondary.

I agree on all counts. Riddick has looked better than what I'm hearing as well. His biggest value is that he's a very versatile back. He runs inside, outside, blocks and catches.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Personally -- I don't even waste my time watching preseason football, as teams are doing nothing more than trying to stay healthy, while getting a look at borderline guys who may or may not make the team.

That actually makes a lot of sense. For someone who thinks he's the end-all, be-all authority on everything Lions you only ever talk about established players. Everyone else is either a "scrub", or someone else's "cast-offs" per your posting history.

Now that you say you don't "waste your time" watching the preseason games that whole thing becomes a lot more clear. You just write them off as being scrubs to avoid getting sucked into conversations where you don't know enough to act like a know-it-all like usual...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Hate to break it to you trustme but there are plenty of people here that talked about the lions weaknesses before the preseason started. They dont need to toot their own horn for two reasons. One, its a douche bag thing to do, and two its the second preseason game, you yourself said they are pointless.

Well sumbitch! For as much as you and I went at it for quite a while there I've agreed with pretty much every post you've made lately. Perhaps the Mayan's were off by about 8 months on when the world was going to end? :lol:


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I just think all the Lions faithful on here, who got so upset at me for stating my opinion on the faults of the team this offseason, are nothing more than hypocrits, when they want to put up full lists of the Lions faults after watching two games that mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yes, once again, I am talk to you.

They're not hypocrites so much as you're just an asshole. We're posting negative observations that we've gathered through training camp and two preseason games. Our gripes are warranted and actually based on reality.

You're bitching and moaning since then end of the season was based on names you looked at on the roster and then referenced with the ratings on Madden. You're just an arm chair punk who doesn't know enough to hang in most of the conversations we have on here so you resort to trash talking to keep yourself relevant around here.

Your screen name is well known because you're that obnoxious dick that nobody except the other obnoxious dicks likes, but hey, at least you're well-know, right? I'm sure your massive ego is able to filter out all the negatives in that anyhow, so to you it comes off as just you being popular...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I love how you continue to toss the moron and idiot comments -- It actually makes me laugh, because those comments pretty much sum up your post regarding the Lions issues after two PRESEASON GAMES.
No, it makes you laugh because you're an ego-maniac who is too fragile to accept the reality of what's right in front of him, so instead you've developed the ability to convince yourself that everyone who doesn't agree with you and support your false-reality is just an idiot who's not on your level.

You've probably went to great lengths (subconsciously) to fill your life with people who don't see through your BS, which is exactly why you have such a hard time getting long with anyone here- because most of us are smart enough to see right through an act like yours.

I'm curious to see how your ego will spin this one?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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OL -- I haven't seen them play, so I have no idea how good or bad they have been. As I said in the offseason -- when you replace the majority of your OL, they are going to struggle at the start. It isn't as if they upgraded across the board. These guys were backups for a reason. Anyone who thought Jason Fox would come in and be an upgrade was kidding themselves -- Same goes for Reiff as LT. If Reiff was better than anyone on the OL last year -- he would have been a starter on the OL and not only playing in jumbo sets.

This kind of post pretty much sums up everything you ever post. You don't know shit about football, you just look for names. If it's a name you see on the ESPN, or when you're playing Madden, then he's good. If it's someone you've never heard of (i.e. 80% of the NFL) then they suck.

You're nothing but an open mouth with a closed mind...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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As I said from last season on -- the guy looks like nothing more than a short yardage or goal line back.

I fail to see the relevance of this comment?

Yes, you have been saying that, but it's also well-know that you don't know shit about any of this stuff...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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MikeD , you don't really think that you were the only one pointing out weaknesses for the Lions? This board was 50/50 on who to draft and what was number one weakness. It does seem you are making these posts with the dreaded "I" complex. Hell even rainbows and sugarcoat Tpaul mentions weaknesses.

Tpaul that was not a joke. That was a jab!! My cankles are bigger than your thighs.

Idk, I got some thick thighs... lol