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Risers and Fallers


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Apr 19, 2013
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You said shit about everything and everyone over and over and over again before the players were even on the field for a new season. You were popping off your opinion, which as always you categorically argued with everyone wasn't actually an opinion, it was a fact. That's the reason you have the screen name that you have.

Such an angry old man. Thank you for clarifying though -- I didn't realize I posted shit about everything. To take a page from -- give me list of 'everything'.

Now the players are on the field and thus far there are some glaring weaknesses in certain areas. Do you want a fucking medal because some of them were what you thought might be issues several months ago? You WERE "Mr. Negative" and that was universally regarded by everyone. Yet up to a certain point where it even became to much for me I defended your right to be negative. I think that's more than fair coming off a 4-12 season.

I just find it humorous that so many things I said in the offseason are the EXACT thing people are bitching and complaining about right now. I find it even more humorous that they are doing so now after watching less than a games worth of the starters in the preseason on the field. How fast some people jump ship -- ESPECIALLY you.

If you want to talk about the team issues then put up a post discussing those points, not one trying to blow your own horn and bait an arguement. Your post reeks of BSL level maturity with the "I told you so" tone. If you want to re engage a discussion with TP on a specific issue then do it directly, not with some pussy ass weak post to the open board wondering where he is. Are you really so dense as to think he's ducking you? It wasn't long ago you weren't on for several days as well. Grow up.

I did put up post and make comments about the weaknesses of the team. I did it much of the offseason as I felt it was places the Lions needed to make improvements. In return, I was told I am mr. negative and all I post about is what is wrong with the team.

And the TP comment was a joke, as he was the 1st guy jumping down anyone's throat who dared questioned a player on the Lions. I wasn't saying he was 'ducking me'. That comment makes as much sense as the guy who posted that the Lions proving me right was a "high point of my life".

I just think all the Lions faithful on here, who got so upset at me for stating my opinion on the faults of the team this offseason, are nothing more than hypocrits, when they want to put up full lists of the Lions faults after watching two games that mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yes, once again, I am talk to you.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Such an angry old man.

Such a stupid little boy.

How fast some people jump ship -- ESPECIALLY you.

You truly are the boards new BSL. When did I jump off the ship? Reading the last couple pages of this thread I guess you are the only person still on it. Ahoy there Captain Assclown.

I just think all the Lions faithful on here, who got so upset at me for stating my opinion on the faults of the team this offseason, are nothing more than hypocrits, when they want to put up full lists of the Lions faults after watching two games that mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yes, once again, I am talk to you.

You know, I always thought you were a dick but didnt take you for a blittering idiot, clearly I was wrong about that. How ironic is it that bitch, moan, and complain the entire offseason that pretty much everything is wrong with the team when we haven't even see the new squad play a down and that's perfectly ok in your view. But now when they actually are on the field and they look terrible (even though its preseason) and people point out those areas that can be supported by what they have actually seen ON the field thus far, and not the opinion of a message board moron, that they are hypocrites and ship jumpers. What color is the sky in the world you live in?


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Apr 18, 2013
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You know, I always thought you were a dick but didnt take you for a blittering idiot, clearly I was wrong about that. How ironic is it

blittering idiot? ironic? :wtf2:

Even you have to admit that is funny meow.:laugh3:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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You know, I always thought you were a dick but didnt take you for a blittering idiot, clearly I was wrong about that.

How ironic is this statement? They have this newfangled thing nowadays called spell check. You should try it out, so you don't look like an idiot, while trying to call someone else the same.

How ironic is it that bitch, moan, and complain the entire offseason that pretty much everything is wrong with the team when we haven't even see the new squad play a down and that's perfectly ok in your view. But now when they actually are on the field and they look terrible (even though its preseason) and people point out those areas that can be supported by what they have actually seen ON the field thus far, and not the opinion of a message board moron, that they are hypocrites and ship jumpers. What color is the sky in the world you live in?

I love how you continue to toss the moron and idiot comments -- It actually makes me laugh, because those comments pretty much sum up your post regarding the Lions issues after two PRESEASON GAMES.

I have news for you -- you didn't need to watch two games that mean absolutely nothing to know the Lions are sub par at LB. Did you think Ashlee Palmer was going to turn everything around for them? They were sub par last year and Palmer isn't an upgrade, so how you are shocked they are still sub par is beyond me.

At WR -- What do you expect when the two guys who are supposed to start along side Calvin are coming off leg injuries? One guy is 32 and coming off a broken leg and the other is coming off not one, but two major knee surgeries in back to back years. On top of that -- Cleveland didn't have to account for Calvin. Did I mention it was a preseason game too, so teams are running vanilla offenses?

Louis Delmas not playing means about as much as losing a preseason game does. Absolutely nothing. There is no reason for him to be playing in these games and risking injury. The Lions are spot on by keeping him out and trying to get him as healthy as possible for the regular season.

OL -- I haven't seen them play, so I have no idea how good or bad they have been. As I said in the offseason -- when you replace the majority of your OL, they are going to struggle at the start. It isn't as if they upgraded across the board. These guys were backups for a reason. Anyone who thought Jason Fox would come in and be an upgrade was kidding themselves -- Same goes for Reiff as LT. If Reiff was better than anyone on the OL last year -- he would have been a starter on the OL and not only playing in jumbo sets.

LeShoure -- Not sure if you haven't been following training camp, but LeShoure looks much faster than he did last year. LOL. As I said from last season on -- the guy looks like nothing more than a short yardage or goal line back. Bell looks more impressive running the ball to me. Once again though -- I haven't seen LeShoure run yet this year, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt til I see him run the ball if he has improved or not.

Wish I could type more, as this is fun basically reading everything I wrote months ago about the Lions. Going to take the little guy on a walk though. Don't go jumping off a building or anything -- it is only the preseason.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How ironic is this statement? They have this newfangled thing nowadays called spell check. You should try it out, so you don't look like an idiot, while trying to call someone else the same
If the best rebuttal you can come up with to my comments is to point out that in typing on a phone its hard to see the difference between t and h then I'll take that as a compliment that my point was completely valid, and in this case it was.

Here's an example for you of just how stupid trying to make a point about grammatical errors makes you. This is your quote......

Yes, once again, I am talk to you.

Duh, what does that me? You am talk to me? Impressive. Here's a link to Hooked on Phonics to help you out. www.hookedonphonics.com/

I love how you continue to toss the moron and idiot comments -- It actually
makes me laugh, because those comments pretty much sum up your post regarding
the Lions issues after two PRESEASON GAMES

The title of the thread is Risers and Fallers. It piggy backs the Mlive articles that have been published after each game. That is what my list addressed, those whose value went up and those who went down after Thursdays game, that's it. Yet here you are posting about people jumping off the bandwagon, being hypocrites, and trying to prove your BSL status as the know it all.

Where are the answers to the questions I've ask of you? You are famous for doing that. After you write something filled with exaggerations you just move away from it like it never happened. Where is the list of those who are eating crow? Who has said they are off the bandwagon? Who ever said the anything to the effect of the sky is falling and the season doomed? How do you justify it being ok to have spent the offseason bitching about fault after fault of the Lions when they weren't even on the field but call people hypocrites for pointing out that they now actually look bad on the field?

Hey dipshit, here's another of your statements (shortened for editing purposes)........
are nothing more than hypocrits
what are hypocrits? They have this newfangled thing nowadays called spell check. You should try it out, so you don't look like an idiot, while trying to call someone else the same - "quoted by MikeD the dumbass hypocrite"

Spare me any rebuttals showing me any new grammatical errors because I suspect there are some that I have no intention of wasting my time trying to fix. I think I've more than covered the value of that and proved my original statement was correct. Whether it be blittering or blithering you are in fact an idiot.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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And the TP comment was a joke, as he was the 1st guy jumping down anyone's
throat who dared questioned a player on the Lions.
I'm not here to argue with you bro, but you're not fooling anyone with that shat. You know damn well you came to call his ass out. Don't try to sugar coat it.

are nothing more than hypocrits
I'm normally joking when I pull out my "Grammar Police" badge, but if you're gonna go off the deep end on a guy for not spelling "blithering" correctly, maybe skim over your posts before hitting the submit button eh?


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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OL -- I haven't seen them play, so I have no idea how good or bad they have
They've been pretty average I'd say. Not great, but far from poor. They've given Staff plenty of time to throw for the most part, we've just had a case of the dropsies a little more than I'd like to see. And the run game was never our strong suit, and I'd say we are about where we were the last couple years. Reiff will be fine at LT though I feel.

I haven't seen LeShoure run yet this year, so I will give him the benefit of the
doubt til I see him run the ball if he has improved or not.
He only had 1 carry last Thursday. It was nothing to write home about, and far from enough to judge him adequately. Like I said previously, I am really liking Riddick so far. He showed a ton of shiftiness that we need from a pass catching RB.
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Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Where are the answers to the questions I've ask of you? You are famous for
doing that. After you write something filled with exaggerations you just move
away from it like it never happened. Where is the list of those who are eating
crow? Who has said they are off the bandwagon? Who ever said the anything to the
effect of the sky is falling and the season doomed?
Gotta agree with this part. You do deflect a ton when asked questions and drift off into other subjects. I haven't read anyone "jumping ship" with our season after two preseason games. We're simply discussing the sub-par performances of certain areas(and good performances)....areas we knew to be an issue and areas we didn't think would be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Duh, what does that me? You am talk to me? Impressive. Here's a link to Hooked on Phonics to help you out. www.hookedonphonics.com/

I'll spare you the rebuttal.

The title of the thread is Risers and Fallers. It piggy backs the Mlive articles that have been published after each game. That is what my list addressed, those whose value went up and those who went down after Thursdays game, that's it. Yet here you are posting about people jumping off the bandwagon, being hypocrites, and trying to prove your BSL status as the know it all.

And yes -- I do find it humorous that when I post the issues I believed the Lions would have coming into this season, I was called Mr. Negative. Yet after a PRESEASON GAME, that means absolutely nothing, you put out a rant calling out basically the whole team, sans Nick Fairley and anyone that didn't play. You actually put LeShoure on your list of fallers and the guy had ONE carry the whole game, but in that one carry, you could tell he wasn't faster and looked terrible. Delmas didn't even play and made the list. Why not put Reggie Bush running the football on your list too? 11 carries for 15 yards in the preseason.

Watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching preseason football. Teams just want to try and stay healthy, while playing vanilla football. I'd think someone who considers himself a fan of the NFL would understand how pointless those games are and I'd think a Lions fan ESPECIALLY would understand how little they mean (see 4-0 to 0-16).


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And the TP comment was a joke, as he was the 1st guy jumping down anyone's
throat who dared questioned a player on the Lions.
I'm not here to argue with you bro, but you're not fooling anyone with that shat. You know damn well you came to call his ass out. Don't try to sugar coat it.

micro -- i'm dead serious -- it was nothing more than a joke. i was actually laughing reading many of the posts in this thread, getting bent out of shape over a preseason game. i could care less what these guys do in these games, as long as they stay healthy for the regular season.

the preseason games are nothing more than a money grab for the owner's and it gives the coaches a chance to see how some rookies or borderline players perform against different competition. that is why you only see the actual starters in for a handful of series each game and players like Calvin being sat out to give him extra time to heal up.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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that is why you only see the actual starters in for a handful of series each game and players like Calvin being sat out to give him extra time to heal up
But that's not true at all. The first game, yes they absolutely only play a handful of series. But the 2nd game they usually play almost a half and then by the third game they're playing almost 3 quarters.

And it's far from just letting the younger guys getting a chance to play. This is also a chance for the starters and 2nd stringers to get game time action against opponents to knock out any rust and bone up on the playbook.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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MikeD , you don't really think that you were the only one pointing out weaknesses for the Lions? This board was 50/50 on who to draft and what was number one weakness. It does seem you are making these posts with the dreaded "I" complex. Hell even rainbows and sugarcoat Tpaul mentions weaknesses.

Tpaul that was not a joke. That was a jab!! My cankles are bigger than your thighs.


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On a bright note, Ansah looks to be the real deal. Should only get better with more experience. When you swing and miss on a top 5 pick it can take along time to recover from that. I think we have done well in that area as of late with Stafford, Suh, Ansah and I'll toss in Fairley becuase most people had him as a top 5 that fell.

I think our wide 9 scheme has to be scrapped. Gunther has been around long enough to formulate a different plan of attack then the wide 9. Unless Schwartz absoultely insist on it, Then that would bring back painful memories of Rich Rod at Michigan refusing to move away from the 3-3-5. There was talent on that team but that Defense didn't fit the talent and Rich Rod was a ego driven coach that wouldn't budge. I'm starting to get the same feeling about JS.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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On a bright note, Ansah looks to be the real deal. Should only get better with more experience. When you swing and miss on a top 5 pick it can take along time to recover from that. I think we have done well in that area as of late with Stafford, Suh, Ansah and I'll toss in Fairley becuase most people had him as a top 5 that fell.

I think our wide 9 scheme has to be scrapped. Gunther has been around long enough to formulate a different plan of attack then the wide 9. Unless Schwartz absoultely insist on it, Then that would bring back painful memories of Rich Rod at Michigan refusing to move away from the 3-3-5. There was talent on that team but that Defense didn't fit the talent and Rich Rod was a ego driven coach that wouldn't budge. I'm starting to get the same feeling about JS.

I think we had the wrong personnel for the wide-9. Ansah is "long" and is just as good stopping the run as he is rushing the passer. We'll see if it continues to work. But besides a couple runs from TRich, we've done well against the run so far this preseason.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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I think it's safe to put Mike Thomas in the fallers category. As he just got cut.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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I think it's safe to put Mike Thomas in the fallers category. As he just got cut.

Have not seen either preseason game. Just clips... Anybody info on who the riser in the WR core is???

Usually you guys are all over theses topics. I guess I have to research today:gaah:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Have not seen either preseason game. Just clips... Anybody info on who the riser in the WR core is???

Not sure if you have heard of this guy, but whoever #81 is at WR looked pretty good. Look for him to crack the starting lineup for the Lions this year.:laugh3:


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Anybody info on who the riser in the WR core is???
I'd have to say Matt "Whatchu Talkin Bout" Willis. He seems to have some really great hands and showed some really nice skills in the first two games.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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I would pencil in Austin as the backup in the slot. He has outplayed Broyles so far and looks very smooth running routes inside. With Thomas gone that makes it even more of a possibility. Even Spurlock was better than Thomas, although not much.