Am I the only one that wishes that Pete would shut the fuck up for a minute?
that was bragging? that was tongue in cheek buddy
"bragging about my faux leather chair"
"rock's beach chair"
You can pretend block me you know...
so fuck you!
lol totally tasteless? You mean like repeatedly using gay references to insult people? I wonder if gay people would find using their chosen lifestyle as an insult to others "tasteless"
Am I the only one that wishes that Pete would shut the fuck up for a minute?
He's being compared to Jackie Robinson. By cowboy here...and others in the media..
He's no path breaker...sorry....he's a perennial 12th man...when a Lebron caliber player comes out? That guy will go through far more and deserve some serious respect. That guy will be risking something...Collins? Zero risk...and it stinks of opportunism at it's worst.
as of a week ago.
And that's the part you have an issue with... fucking pathetic.
But, spending money on a chair you are in for 10-12 hours a day is silly.
Post of the fucking YEAR!!
So, one slugfest win shows they haven't checked out.
"lots' of teams give up and don't win another game after April 29th" -HeatGammons
"all they need to do is win" -HeatScully
You are like the folks in accounting that tell me "sell more". Gee fucking thanks for the great feedback.
I'm not sure...did you disagree with anything I said?
its a big deal because it's a first.
you definitely didnt read the entire thing
i didnt spend the money
do you get it yet?'s's not a first...and IMO it's not really a big deal...
It's not a first in this day and age for a public figure to come happens routinely...just beacuse it's an athlete with one leg out of the league? Doesn't change that fact to me.