Ron Burgundy
I look good...
How many titles did Ken Griffey Jr win?
Guy was no Bernie Williams, I tell ya that...
Guy was no Bernie Williams, I tell ya that...
Been on the same station for years...
Did you not watch the Bruins cup run two years ago?
Same networks.
Is the hockey game on some 3rd rate cable channel again tonight? I was all ready to watch game 3, but then realized I didn't even have the channel where the game was shown. Nice work, NHL!
Yup... the last line of defense for the NY fan..
Now, Paul O'Neil was a better hitter than Barry Bonds...
Winning titles and stuff...
Is there such thing as a 3-run single????
I did watch the run a couple years ago. I guess I lost Versus (now NBC Sports) when I cut back on my Directv package. Oh well!'d think the NHL could figure out a way to get their conference finals in front of more eyeballs. I can watch the Arena League playoffs with more ease.
I don't even know what you're talking about most of the time
I didnt even remotely imply that with anything I said
In his defense, Boston has been using Pedroia and Brady MVPs as reasons they are the "Best" for years around here
Teheran a no hitter through 5. Get your popcorn ready.
Teheran a no hitter through 5. Get your popcorn ready.
Those that didn't pay any attention to the 04 postseason, yet feel compelled to discuss as if you sat behind home plate..
You're missing a major point..outside of Foulke? That bullpen was REAALLY shakey...
Foulke threw EVERY important inning..back to backs, going multiple innings...
he pitched 2.2 innings of game 4 against NY in the ALCS...kept them in that game, allowed them to hang around and get to mo.
The next night? He pitches 1.1 in almost identical cicrumstances...
And then the next night? He pitches a perfect 9th for the save in game 6...
"but manny had a huge single!!!"
Pretty much why I brought up the whole MVP thing. And alls I asked was who finished 2nd in the voting that year, and for some strange reason, no one wants to answer that.
Pretty much why I brought up the whole MVP thing. And alls I asked was who finished 2nd in the voting that year, and for some strange reason, no one wants to answer that.
Upgrade your cable package to include NBC sports ya joo