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Red Sox put up 17 on Texas & AROD, Braun to go down in PED flames


Viva El Gordo!
Apr 16, 2013
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Well he did something douche baggy, all that really matters

The best thing he'd done as a Yankee to that point in my opinion... shifted ALL the focus away from the Red Sox winning the WS in 2007.

Yep, that and 2009... A-Rod's okay in my book :yahoo:


Brock wears female undies
Apr 16, 2013
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No, he opted out during the WS - wasn't until later that he "fired Boras" and made a private deal with the Yankees.
I think Buffett or someone helped advise him.

But, don't wait for RSG to admit he was wrong - superfan!!
He is out getting the Bruins logo shaved into his head

angry pete alive and well, I see

yeah, I was wrong, he pulled out of his contract in the WS and got backlash for it

lots of teeth gnashing in NY saying they wouldn't re-sign him if he did that......that went well


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, we have a bouncer quite similar, betcha he knows of your buddy, he's also been working the circuit for years.

Also a big huge Teddy bear everyone loves, but also has to be a great healthrisk with his size and condition

Dirt laying down the sports talk for all.....:laugh3:


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Yeah lets bring back Randy Moss too~ Idiots


Viva El Gordo!
Apr 16, 2013
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Quit making so much sense today, Down.


Resident Libertarian
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Why? Cuz he didn't run out a ground ball and he got feisty with an old man?

If you think that stuff defines who he was here, you're clueless...

He was the second best right handed hitter of the past 30 years and 95% of the time played the game with a huge smile on his face.

We loved Manny...

Just stop..

He was a raging douchbag too...some of us haven't forgotten that...some are capable of admitting that instead of putting on our fanboy hats and waving pom-poms at a guy that literally shoved a senior citizen to the ground because he could get last minute tickets for friends and family..


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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same thing we get with every administration

think bush was any better? half the mess we're in now, benghazi included, trickled thru his hands too. ever see the memo's bush literally ignored on the security of embassies?

both suck

can clinton run again please?

Bush hasn't been president for over 5 years...you can stop blaming him for everything...

And Clinton? please...no politician has ever benefited more from something that had virtually no role in than Clinton and the .com boom...

Give me someone that hates government...seriously...some just to go in there and publicly hammer all the stupid bullshit that goes on in Washington...and turn the whole fucking city on it's head...

No more career politicians from elite political families supported by special interests...if you vote another in? (Romney, Hillary etal) you get what you vote for people...

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, we have a bouncer quite similar, betcha he knows of your buddy, he's also been working the circuit for years.

Also a big huge Teddy bear everyone loves, but also has to be a great healthrisk with his size and condition

Ask him if he knows anyone by the name of "Big Thump" or "Len Rock".

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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I love NY

DEA: Suburban mom by day, pot grower by night

By Brittany Brady, CNN
updated 9:36 AM EDT, Wed June 5, 2013


The marijuana was grown hydroponically in the New York warehouse, authorities say.


  • Andrea Sanderlin pleads not guilty to federal narcotics charges
  • Federal authorities say she ran a warehouse full of 1,000 marijuana plants
  • They arrested her after she drove to the warehouse in Queens
  • Sanderlin lives in suburbs with two daughters, 3 and 13

New York (CNN) -- The mother of two would often drive back and forth between her suburban Scarsdale, New York, home and the bleak-looking, one-story brick warehouse in Queens. Sometimes, she drove the route in her Mercedes SUV. She probably thought about her girls, 3 and 13. Maybe she was thinking of the horseback riding lessons with her teenager, and the new horse they were hoping to buy.
One thing perhaps not on her mind was being arrested and accused of living a double life: as a suburban mom and also as head of a multimillion-dollar marijuana growing operation. She faces federal narcotics charges.
Federal authorities say Andrea Sanderlin, 45, ran the marijuana operation from the warehouse, where they found two rooms packed with more than 1,000 marijuana plants and large amounts of dried marijuana, along with state-of-the-art lighting, irrigation, and ventilation systems to facilitate the hydroponic growing of the plants, according to court documents.
"The warehouse was filled with over $3 million worth of hydroponic marijuana and the organization covertly produced 3,000 marijuana plants," Brian Crowell, special agent in charge at the Drug Enforcement Administration, said in a statement Tuesday. When agents raided Sanderlin's home on May 20, they found books on how to grow marijuana and how to launder money, according to the DEA.
Mexican judge found video compelling in case of detained U.S. mom, marijuana
Sanderlin was arrested the same day, after agents followed her to the warehouse and entered on a warrant, court documents say. She is charged with narcotics trafficking, a felony that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.
Sanderlin has pleaded not guilty and remains in custody pending a bond hearing.
She is a "full-time mom," attorney Joel Winograd said of his client, and added she is "very concerned" about her girls.
Originally from Virginia, Sanderlin was living in the upscale neighborhood of Scarsdale and driving a 2010 Mercedes SUV. According to court documents, she also had a 2004 Jeep Liberty and a 2005 Chevrolet van registered in her name.
Sanderlin had recently picked up the sport of horseback riding and took lessons with her teenage daughter at Twin Lakes Farm, a riding academy and competitive show stable in Bronxville, according to owner Scott Tarter.
Opinion: Why marijuana should be legal for adults
Tarter described Sanderlin as a "beginner adult rider" who came to the academy in January after buying a Friesian horse for recreational riding. Tarter said on Tuesday that Sanderlin seemed like a normal, caring, local mother who boarded her horse at his stables.
Tarter said he thought Sanderlin was in the interior design business.
"She was just like all the local moms here," he said. "She wasn't loud. I never saw her smoking or drinking or anything that would have made me believe this."
Sanderlin participated in small horse shows at Twin Lakes, but decided to sell her horse in April. Tarter said they had planned to start looking for a new horse for Sanderlin but he hadn't seen her or her daughter since late May.
Illinois, Ohio take up medical marijuana laws
Authorities said a confidential witness tipped them off to Sanderlin's alleged crimes. The witness, who has been charged with participating in a conspiracy to possess and distribute marijuana, told investigators in April that a person named "Andi" operated at least one marijuana grow house in Brooklyn or Queens, according to court documents.
The witness also said "Andi" lived in Scarsdale and drove a Mercedes SUV, officials said. Later, when shown a picture of Andrea Sanderlin, the witness positively identified Sanderlin as "Andi."
Law enforcement agents said they contacted Con Edison about electricity accounts under Sanderlin's name. The electricity company told them about an account connected to Sanderlin's telephone number in the name of "Fantastic Enterprises" in Queens, at a location that was using "an unusually high amount of electricity."
Con Edison also said bills for the account were paid in cash.
Officials found that Fantastic Enterprises was a registered New York corporation from 2007 to 2011 and that the address provided for the business was an address listed under Sanderlin's name in insurance claims.

Ron Burgundy

I look good...
Apr 18, 2013
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same thing we get with every administration

think bush was any better? half the mess we're in now, benghazi included, trickled thru his hands too. ever see the memo's bush literally ignored on the security of embassies?

both suck

can clinton run again please?

Hillary is going to be the next president... So, yeah..


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Apr 16, 2013
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Manny could hit and it was fun to watch him hit. I never liked how he made a mockery of the other parts of the game though

He was more likable than A-Rod tho, whatever that matters


Viva El Gordo!
Apr 16, 2013
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Not gonna lie, I'm in e-love with Down right now.


Smart!Rich!Good Looking!
Apr 17, 2013
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same thing we get with every administration

think bush was any better? half the mess we're in now, benghazi included, trickled thru his hands too. ever see the memo's bush literally ignored on the security of embassies?

both suck

can clinton run again please?

BWHAHAHAH - this is Bush's fault! priceless.

And Clinton wasn't so good - the economy was good until his final three years but let's not pretend that 9/11 wasn't a DIRECT RESULT of him embolding Al Queda by not responding to
93 -The WTC bombing
95 - American Military center in Saudi Arabia
96 - Khobar Towers
98 - US Embassies in Nairobi and Kenya
00 - USS Cole

He get's credit for the economy but no blame for the bubble that burst in 2000 or for the mess that is the housing market today!

And to defend OBAMA by saying "bush did it" is pathetic.
So, Bush who is widely called the worst president ever is now used as the benchmark for Obama?!

Fucking brilliant


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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Hillary is going to be the next president... So, yeah..

Then this country is well and good truly fucked....

I guess there are just far more sheep out there that need to be ruled as opposed to wanting to be governed by themselves...



Smart!Rich!Good Looking!
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Never thought I'd say this, but she'd be a welcome change.

She is an awful awful person and politician.

This country is pathetic if we can't find any better than her to lead the nation.