Smart!Rich!Good Looking!
A-Rod got a raw deal in NY the second he got traded for Soriano and whoever else it was. The best player in baseball at that time was coming to the Yankees and stealing the spot light from The Captain. So now all the Jeter fans are like "fuck you its Jeter's team", he was being booed during his first at bat because of higher percentage of Yankees fans are spoiled fucking douche bags. They only identify the team through one player.
And year in and year out, they dont win in the post season it was on A-Rod, never mind the fact that good old Number 2 can breathe a sigh of relief someone can be the scape goat. I can go on and on how this guy (whether he's an ass hole or not) never got his fair chance playing in NY. Then 2009 came, but to be honest it was never enough.
Nailed it!