So, if someone doesn't see 100% eye to eye with you they are butt hurt?
No, you are the one who gets butthurt every time someone doesn't agree with you or expresses anything other than adoration for Lebron. Hell, we were talking about Tyson and you still couldn't resist dragging Lebron into the discussion.
You never disliked the person who was convicted of r*pe?
This statement doesn't even warrant a response.
Like I said, I do like him again now because I believe ( right or wrong) after hearing more about what happened that he was falsely convicted and he is remorseful for all the other crap he pulled.
If Holyfield can on, then so should everyone else in regard to their issues.
Agree to a point. As for everyone else should move on. I don't presume to tell people whether or not they should like him (or anyone else) or what they should move on from.
The "worst guy in the world" wasn't directed at you. It was towards some other posters who list a bunch of ridiculous reasons for 'hating' James vs just admitting they hate him because he became the face of the league and replaced Kobe in the process.
And this is why you are butthurt. Who gives a shit why people dislike Lebron and who are you to tell others what is or isn't an acceptable reason?
As far as your opinion on the charity stuff, why is it on one thread you claim internet posters opinions should be dismissed in regard to Howard not wanting to play with Kobe ( despite how obvious it was to anyone who was watching) but your opinion in this area should be taken as gospel?
First off, I never said that my opinion should be taken as gospel. 2nd, Dwight actually stated that Kobe had nothing to do with him going to Houston and there is no getting around that FACT, no matter what you and others THINK you saw.
FACT is, regardless of whom sat where that millions of dollars was donated to needy children, and on top of that, since that day, James has continued to raise/ donate a ton of cash to that same charity without any cameras in any room.
This last one proves my point. Why did there need to be cameras in the room then? Why not simply donate the money without the spectacle? Or better yet, why not focus on the charity if that's what it was truly about?
Where was the info. on what the Boys and Girls Clubs of America do for kids? Where was the call for others to donate?
Hell, where were the kids?
There's a lot more evidence to back up what I said about the charity part of it than there is about Dwight leaving because of Kobe.