Still a Heat fan
no this is really Flauge. no one jacked my ID like they did CL. I think it's funny they took CL's ID and posted that stuff.. but joke is over now. give the man the ID back.
Oh I know they dont qualify as a dynasty yet.. when i say they are a dynasty it's more of a prediction. i agree with your assessment of a dynasty.. i have heard some argue that the players dont matter, only the team. if you subscribe to that line of thought, then the heat could be a dynasty be June as 4 NBA finals and 3 Titles in an 8 year span (granting they win it this year)
SWEET!! I was hoping someone was going to get this going again!!
lol, you're gonna get a kick outta this, TF12. one of those Heat bandwagoning losers was so butt-hurt over getting whipped on the CBS boards that they stole my handle and tried to make me look like a sellout. talk about being under somebody's dome piece...
CL67, owner of the thoughts of bandwagoners EVERYWHERE
Seriously?!? That's $100 says it was turnip!!
i'm actually starting to believe that Turnip and crappedmyshorts are the same sick guy...
CL67, owner of the thoughts of bandwagoners EVERYWHERE
maybe I will do a WWF "heel turn" and become a Lebron hater??
It is a whole new site. CBS taught me a lesson about loyalty.
I spent way too much time sparring with SMAN that I started becoming real close to the mindless Lebron drones.
Personally, I cannot stand Kobe..... so I fell into the Lebron-lovers camp by accident.
I'll give this LEBRON hate a trial run.
LOL, then you better hope Sman doesn't find this site...
CL67, owner of the thoughts of bandwagoners EVERYWHERE
If it is, it's one heck of an e-act!! Wildly different styles to end up at the same inanity!!
Multiple personality disorder?
well, i used to say it all the time on the CBS boards. you meet ALL kinds on the internet. so that kind of disorder wouldn't be a stretch...
Anyone know if wlkwlk made it over?
Anyone know if wlkwlk made it over?
Also a dynasty consists of more than 1 championship with a team's core players...that lesson is free...
no sign so far. too bad, really. good poster and decent guy. hope he makes the trip over...
same for jefe, too. though whoever stole my handle stole his as well...