Double or nothing is fair... Had Kobe not gotten hurt I would have no problem but the whole damn team was dropping like flies... But if you're willing to double down on a three-peat I respect that challenge and would proudly wear your choice for the 60 days...
While I am not over confident that the Heat will repeat, I think they have a much better chance of doing it then the Lakers ever did of making the playoffs this season.
How about double or nothing?
As far as what your team turned into, why is that any sort of shock?
You're 3 best supposed players were undoubtably iffy heading into the season.
So I guess I get to keep my avi...
You sure do.
Thanks for reminding me to repost this.
Sure looks like a guarantee by me, right CL?
:rollseyes:kids will be kids...:rollseyes:
ah well, obviously wlk has more faith in you than i EVER will. better not welch on him like you did on me...
You read this, then say to me , don't welch
Yet you get so pissed of when I say you struggle to read and comprehend.
hell nothing you can EVER do will "piss me off" quite frankly. i expect garbage behavior from you...:rollseyes:
but...could be because i couldn't care less about what bets you make to anyone else...?
you can kindly keep me outta your loop, dummy...
So...,you couldn't care less....but you just felt like making an inaccurate comment about the one I had with someone else?
lol seriously? what part of "i couldn't care less" didn't you get..."
Were you on the O.J. jury by any chance?
lol, typical day in the Heat haters club...
Do you have a paypal account?
It's really unfair that you aren't paid for this kind of entertainment.
trust me when i say this, i think the same of YOU...only MORE...
your clownship over the years has simply been UN-MATCHABLE...
It's a new day....
why, it certainly IS...
Can you tell me once again that I shouldn't welch on my double or nothing bet
guess this fool's STILL grasping the meaning of "i couldn't care less"...
sound it out s-l-o-w-l-y. think on it. eventually it'll seep in...
You seemed to care one whole hell of ALOT at 9:19 pm yesterday. Post # 2105.
nope. that'd be YOU putting your lying slant on one small comment...
Ran your big mouth, trying to be a dick...and instead had a foot stuffed in it!
you mean like this...?
"NO team can beat the Heat 4-7"-TurnUpTheHeat"
So, what happened between then and now?
same as before. seems you can't grasp the meaning of a simple sentence though. so desperate you are to grasp onto ANYTHING to make you feel somewhat better. funny, really...
1. I pointed out you misread aka can't read and comprehend.
2. See above.
3. Instead of just saying you misread, didn't comprehend... What do you?
same as now. laugh at you being childish/ridiculous. but then, what's new...?
Yep,right into ostrich mode.
Stick your head in the sand.....and hope it goes away..
kinda like you when it comes to making alts, lying, trying to get people banned you don't like, etc...
talk about a petty, pathetic existence...
Guess what. It didn't..[/QU
keep trying to make something of it. you're only making yourself look more foolish...
too funny. "i have you now, CL. i have you!! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA"...
you're straight up nutso, little man. i love it...