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- #2,081
Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
"NO team can beat the Spurs 4-7...NO team...oh wait, nooooo

Where are all the bandwagon Heat fans? Man its still early.
Where are all the bandwagon Heat fans? Man its still early.
"NO team can beat the Spurs 4-7...NO team...oh wait, nooooo"-TurnUpTheHeat
I also never that, but I should have...it was very accurate this post season.
i remember a HUGE tirade by a certain Heat fan where he essentially went off because he THOUGHT(wrongly) that he'd beaten the Heat haters. now i COULD sink to his level and say "fuck you" to everyone who disagreed with him, but why? the "dynasty" died NASTY(can't help but say it, get used to it), which is good enough for me. 'sides, i have more class than that asshole, so i'll just say GREAT job by the Spurs for restoring the integrity of the game. to the Heat fans who remained classy through it all, it's YOUR damn fault that i'm not putting the full diss on these guys, though the bandwagoning LOSERS certainly deserve it...
now, if certain individuals FINALLY get it through their heads that they CAN'T tell people how to think OR feel about their team, then maybe, just MAYBE...we could get along a tad better. so DO stop with the talk of "logic and common sense"(Translation:try to change people's minds) and stop with deflecting everyone's posts to being "jealousy". it ain't gonna fly...
this couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of clowns...
Moet for all...ESPECIALLY to the fellow haters...![]()
keep it up...
gonna switch to these guys next season...?
Assume this is to me?
I'll tell you what I always tell you, I hope you have numerous reasons to continue to hate the Heat next year.
That will mean Riley did the right things this summer. Nobody ever tried to change anyone's mind about liking the Heat.
"logic and common sense". lie #1...:rollseyes:
I will admit that for a long while, back on CBS, that I and some others would often try to reason with you guys with our opinions on why we felt the actions of James/ The Heat weren't that big of a deal....which I still believe, but that/this thread was never the right forum for that.
which is why you PERSONALLY trolled the Heat haters thread from almost day 1. nope, not a personal issue THERE...
Lastly, I can get along with anyone, while still disagreeing with them sometimes, if our opinions differ on whatever topic we are discussing.
uh huh...
your alts when we got to the Hoop put the LIE to these words. next...
In my case, Trojan is the best example.
I often have my biggest disagreements with him, while also having so of my best conversations.
Maybe you are just a bit to sensitive about sometimes being corrected?
CL, in your misquote, you wrote SPURS, not Heat. THATs what I was pointing out.
pretty clear you didn't get the gag. ah well...
See what I'm saying.
You made a mistake.
you wish. next...?
It's no biggie.
had a GREAT weekend and the Heat went down in flames. trust me, i'm doing QUITE well this morning...
Your blood pressure is going to boil for no reason.
maybe YOU should just quit lying. i've ALWAYS said it, there's a HUGE difference in what you SAY, and what you MEAN. i ain't kidding, there's some REAL issues going on under your domepiece. you've proven over the years it's YOU with the "sensitivity" issues...like this little personal campaign of yours, for instance...
"i can get along with ANYONE"...except anyone who DARES to disagree with me. "but TF12 is my buddy". this stuff is rich. keep clowning yourself, Turnip...
with all the crap you've pulled you don't get to hold your head up. DEAL with it. maybe if you stopped acting like a conniving snake i wouldn't DEAL with you like one. think about it...
It's clearly a waste of time with you.
I guess all I can try to do better is use my time better and not waste it on you.