thewhite_00 ESPN board
This just keeps sounding better and better.
Some neat details:
-You can eat food. Eat a lot and you get fat. Eat too little and you get thin and it can affect your stamina
-Running a lot (exercise) increases your stamina
-You can interact with damn near everything, including multiple conversation options with NPCs and they will remember conversations and past interactions. So like if you're a dick to a random dude, later in the game that dude will remember you're a dick.
-You can layer your clothes, pick different styles and get a hair cut. Your hair and beard actually grows as time passes.
-You have to do gun maintenance just like in real life. If you don't periodically clean your weapons, their stats go down. Also, if something happens like you get them wet, they are less functional.
I read this article yesterday. Wish I hadn't. Just made me more hyped up for the game that still has more than a month until release.
This game is gonna be so good.
Tell me about it. It's going to be such a long wait. With everything being interactive, it sounds like this game is going to have massive hours of gameplay in it beyond the story. I want to get the new Assassin's Creed game as well so between this and that, I don't know where I'm gonna find the time to play. All I know is RDR2 is gonna be my top priority. It definitely has the look of Game of the Year, just like the first one (which was my favorite game possibly ever)
Yeah. I've been trying to hold off getting new games, but the wait still feels so long that I broke down and got Spider-Man. But Spider-Man has been worth it, so that's a plus.
It looked really great but I'm an Xbox guy.Spider-Man was the first exclusive that really bummed me out that I'm missing. I'm still holding out hope they'll port it in a year or two.
Just pre-ordered the special edition
This shit is going to look good in 4k HDR
Just pre-ordered the special edition
This shit is going to look good in 4k HDR
4k is really the only way to appreciate the horse testicles
Newest gameplay trailer. I don't see any way how this game isn't Game Of The Year. It looks amazing
Seeing this makes me excited how great the next GTA is going to be.