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Rank these wrs


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You're leaving out what a complete shit head he is. He was never even remotely apologetic that he let his team down by getting popped for a year. Then he's so jealous of a rookie taking his job that he steals his bike. The guy is 2 months removed from being on the scout team for being a pain in the ass.

I don't care how talented he is, he is a distant 3rd on this list.

Yep and look back at when JuJu was drafted:

Did Martavis Bryant throw some shade at Sammie Coates?

BTW...Coates sucked and Bryant should have been happy they upgraded over him!


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1) JuJu and there's no debate. Before today's game I saw a stat that said he was averaging 93 yards or 98 yards per game for the last 5 or 6 games I believe.

I really don't know enough nor have I watched Bryant enough to gauge one way or the other about him. I keep hearing talking heads get woody's over Bryant. Both from an individual perspective and an overall Steelers team potential firepower aspect. With AB, Juju, Bell, some TE, but not Jesse James I don't think, Bryant and Big Ben pulling the trigger.

I saw the nice one handed TD catch against the Pats and a sweet sideline catch last night from Bryant. I was kinda surprised to see in this thread talk about him having iffy hands. He does have size and speed though, but we all know being a knuckle-head can kick some speed and size dead up in its ass and seem to believe Bryant has that in abundance as well.

Still, I'm ranking JC last. He's come on a bit of late, but at times, too many times in fact, he's been terrible this season. Last year he was 3rd in the NFL in punt ret with 328 yards, 4th in averaging 12.15 yards per ret, and the Ravens very likely hang an L on the Skins w/o his 85 yard ret for a TD. This year his av yards per ret is a funky ass 5.12 yards with 124 yards on 25 ret. And he's had 2 HUGE fumbles as a returner and 6 fumbles overall for the year. After 6 games he had 19 catches for 149 yards for a 7.8 ypc (great for a RB in a game, not so much for a starting WR after 6 games. And it took 10 games to get his first TD of the year. His TD total is only 3 for the year. He's scored the last 2 weeks, but so fuckin what as we're null n void far as the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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You're leaving out what a complete shit head he is. He was never even remotely apologetic that he let his team down by getting popped for a year. Then he's so jealous of a rookie taking his job that he steals his bike. The guy is 2 months removed from being on the scout team for being a pain in the ass.

I don't care how talented he is, he is a distant 3rd on this list.

What do you want me to say? He checks all the boxes?

The criteria the OP gave...he's 2nd on MY list. But I'd be okay if YOU made him 3rd or left him off altogether.



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2014
Minneapolis, MN
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What do you want me to say? He checks all the boxes?

The criteria the OP gave...he's 2nd on MY list. But I'd be okay if YOU made him 3rd or left him off altogether.


Fair enough. I just don't think the guy will ever get it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
NE Metro ATL
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Fair enough. I just don't think the guy will ever get it.

I think he's a young kid from nothing listening to people that he thinks have his best interest. I also think he realizes he's got a good chance to make a decent 2nd contract if he can stay clean and put up numbers.

But I make no promises with this kid and don't blame you for doubting, he's still got a lot to prove.