For the 12 losing teams in 2024, things have to be looking up...right?
For starters, it certainly can't get worse, right? It takes a remarkable confluence of circumstances to lose 121 games in a season, and it's highly likely that said circumstances will not be satisfied for a second straight year. Speaking of which, the White Sox at the level of the run differential out-played their record by seven full games. That bodes well, or least bodes better, for 2025. They'll still project as the worst team in baseball, but this time around they can be a part of the draft lottery for their troubles.
See? There's hope!!! Ok, it might not be fulfilled until the next decade, but let's not split hairs. Woot!!!
Bob Ueker passed away at age 90. He was never directly associated with the Sox, but he was a baseball icon. I'll never forget when he made his first appearance on Johnny Carson, he broke up not only Carson, but the entire studio, and that night a legend was born. RIP Bob.