For all of you out of the area, you are likely missing out on the local post game shows. It's always great to see past Rams' hero's on the show.Aaron would probably play with a broken arm, if need be.
This week they had Flipper Anderson on, but we always get a good dose of Vince Ferragamo, and Jackie Slater, as they are staples to the show.
Seems like the subject of playing with injuries comes up almost every post game, and the two reminisce, Jackie and Vince, talk about it on their playing days.
No more this year however than the post game where Jack Young Blood and Ronnie Lott joined the show. (Ronnie was a local kid out of the Inland Empire here about an hour East of LA)
It's really great, but I never knew Vince was such a bad ass, and well Jackie, as tough as he was, makes it extremely clear, if the Doctor said he needed to sit out to heal, there was no way he would tell the trainer just to tape it up.

Both Ronnie and Jack called for the trainers tape, and I guess Vinny went out there bandaged up to the hilt too, as Jackie boasts, Vinny just sits there just beaming with pride...
Wish all of you could see these post game local shows, as I do, I record them all as a matter of fact, because it's really entertaining!!