Experience Quality Trust
Damn, Pronger really sucked tonight!!!!!!!!!
4 whole videos where he made a poor play? We better trade him for a sack of day-old doughnuts ... while we can still even get that!
Damn, Pronger really sucked tonight!!!!!!!!!
lol 3 asst what a crappy night shut down defense bounce people around like a bottle cap....i hate this guy lol i would never start a team with this dud
haha sport you know ander cant read your stuff anymore right?
Damn, Pronger really sucked tonight!!!!!!!!!
lol getting a rep for this one
yep.. he thinks sport and maniaa are the same person.. has them both blocked
Not to nit-pick but Pronger had 4 assists.
yep.. he thinks sport and maniaa are the same person.. has them both blocked