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Possible Dallas keeps 6 WR's


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Now maybe I'm wrong but when we signed Boyd I immediately thought we just picked up a sure #2 WR who could be a #1 if given the chance.


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Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
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Now maybe I'm wrong but when we signed Boyd I immediately thought we just picked up a sure #2 WR who could be a #1 if given the chance.

when we picked him up I thought it was a great move by the Cowboys. he has to earn his way on the field but I think he could be a really good player. My hope is that this year the staff has a very hard time cutting down to the full roster and applys to both sides of the ball


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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when we picked him up I thought it was a great move by the Cowboys. he has to earn his way on the field but I think he could be a really good player. My hope is that this year the staff has a very hard time cutting down to the full roster and applys to both sides of the ball

Prior to final cut day I'm hoping we find a way to trade a WR or two. I can't remember when we were this deep at any position.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Speaking of how many WRs could make this team, is it wise to trot Dez out onto the field tonight? Why not just keep him on the sidelines with Wit and Romo? Yes, I'm fully aware of the ages of all three and the one that doesn't belong. Also, I understand injuries happen and we can't protect everybody. But I'd argue Dez isn't just 'somebody'. I'm going to be major pissed if he gets hurt tonight.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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Speaking of how many WRs could make this team, is it wise to trot Dez out onto the field tonight? Why not just keep him on the sidelines with Wit and Romo? Yes, I'm fully aware of the ages of all three and the one that doesn't belong. Also, I understand injuries happen and we can't protect everybody. But I'd argue Dez isn't just 'somebody'. I'm going to be major pissed if he gets hurt tonight.

In that case we might as well sit all starters until PS week 3. We can sit Dez all preseason then on the 1st play in the reg season he could break his leg.

Otis B. Driftwood

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Rookie or not though. whoever is the better player should be playing...

that's the rub for me and I sure hope this Dallas staff is starting to get it.
players that make plays are valuable and trump measurables to me



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Jul 22, 2013
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I still think it best you put me on ignore again.
It's just a matter of time before I post something towards a fan nation poster that will send you back to us vs them mode.

really.....you & the posse all have stated you had heard about this board. Just seems logical before things "get ugly"



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Jul 17, 2013
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In that case we might as well sit all starters until PS week 3. We can sit Dez all preseason then on the 1st play in the reg season he could break his leg.

What is it we accomplish by playing Dez tonight? Are we worried he's not in shape? Are we worried about his timing with Weeden? Are we worried we might not sell enough tickets to a preseason game? You take it to the extreme, I'm just pointing out this one or two series he plays tonight gives him and the team little benefit vs the potential negative.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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What is it we accomplish by playing Dez tonight? Are we worried he's not in shape? Are we worried about his timing with Weeden? Are we worried we might not sell enough tickets to a preseason game? You take it to the extreme, I'm just pointing out this one or two series he plays tonight gives him and the team little benefit vs the potential negative.

Yes we want him to have game time with Weeden. We don't even know if Romo is truly ready. Plus Dez out there show us more about the others as this team is built for 14. Of course we can sit every starter. They should all be in mid season form.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Don't know much about Boyd, but I think it would be very short sighted to cut Harris. Whenever Harris touches the ball good things usually happen. It kind of baffled me that Beasley jumped Harris on the depth chart last year, considering Beasley had not done anything to that point. It just doesn't seem like the coaching staff is eager to give Harris a shot in the offense. Maybe Harris doesn't practice well?


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Jul 18, 2013
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Don't know much about Boyd, but I think it would be very short sighted to cut Harris. Whenever Harris touches the ball good things usually happen. It kind of baffled me that Beasley jumped Harris on the depth chart last year, considering Beasley had not done anything to that point. It just doesn't seem like the coaching staff is eager to give Harris a shot in the offense. Maybe Harris doesn't practice well?

A few of yrs ago- maybe 2012- we had a preseason game vs the Rams. It was the third Preseason game of the yr so our starters got to play about a half. The problem was both Miles and Dez were hurt and did not play. If we had Roy - he didnt play either. We may have not had him though. All we had was Ogletree and Harris for starting WRs. Harris dominated the first half . I remember him catching a deep ball for a TD and I think he may have scored again. Its already been said- when given the opportunity he seems to make plays. Romo went to him twice the other day in the red zone for TDs. Maybe he is the next Miles and just needs his shot.


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Jul 18, 2013
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One thing about - 17 is a Garrett guy- he isnt getting cut. If you listen to post game pressers or the next day press conference- JG usually mentions Harris and something positive he did


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Aug 19, 2013
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When we signed Boyd I felt like he was a guy that could possibly be a starting WR in this league at some point and felt he was the best chance to make the team if we went with 6 guys. Loved bringing both him and Street to this current group. I like Harris' chances as a WR better than most seem to, because i don't see him as ONLY a STs guy. But, I can also see one of these guys getting WR snaps over Harris this year and in the future...but there is no way we cut Harris. The guy was one of the best return men AND the best gunners in the league Until he got hurt last year. I've never seen a Cowboy have the impact in both areas of STs that he was having. He was one of our MVPs last year before he got hurt.

Here's the thing with Boyd to me. Like it or not the first five spots on the roster were likely filled out 3 months ago. We know how things work here and the first four guys earned their spot with their play last year and Street earned his by being drafted in the 5th round. So Boyd is going to need to put on an incredible performance or hope for an injury to pass any one of them. However, I don't see it as a guarantee that he will be snatched up if we try to put I'm on the PS. If all of these teams liked him so much they could have drafted him or offered him more than us to sign...