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politics thread

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Darrell Green Fan

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A long time ago, 1990 or so I thought I thought it might be time to replace Joe Gibbs. Silly me. Be careful what you wish for.

This is one of the busiest boards on the Hoop. In large part because dad is fair about applying the rules. IMO you have been on dad's ass about his opinions because you do not agree with him. He has as much right to his opinions as you or anyone else. So be careful when you are calling others sophomoric. I would say to anyone if you are going to play on the political forum then be ready for some who have very different opinions.

Just my :2cents:

I'll close by just saying my issues, and the other poster's as well, were unrelated to the Politics thread. It wasn't even in existence when we formed our opinions. I posted regularly on the Politics Board here for years, I came here instead because of the lack of "shut up faggot" responses I kept reading (nearly all by the Trump crowd by the way but that's another topic). And I credited Dad for keeping it civil here.

With that said this is by far the most confrontational team board I have ever seen and again this is not specific to the Politics thread. Posters are constantly at each other's throats and I put myself in that group. But as I said I see Dad's role as mod as a peace keeper. That does not mean he cannot share his opinions, and debate them when challenged. I never said that. But a mod is supposed to try to keep things civil, instead he is the worst instigator here.

Peace out.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I'll close by just saying my issues, and the other poster's as well, were unrelated to the Politics thread. It wasn't even in existence when we formed our opinions. I posted regularly on the Politics Board here for years, I came here instead because of the lack of "shut up faggot" responses I kept reading (nearly all by the Trump crowd by the way but that's another topic). And I credited Dad for keeping it civil here.

With that said this is by far the most confrontational team board I have ever seen and again this is not specific to the Politics thread. Posters are constantly at each other's throats and I put myself in that group. But as I said I see Dad's role as mod as a peace keeper. That does not mean he cannot share his opinions, and debate them when challenged. I never said that. But a mod is supposed to try to keep things civil, instead he is the worst instigator here.

Peace out.
well my role isnt soley peace keeper and that is why you fail and are disenchanted . i am not the worst instigator here . i am not hurling insults at anyone . i put my POV up with evidence to back it . liberals call that hate .

you are upset with me because you want me to do your bidding . nothing more or nothing less.

if i were a betting man i would bet the virtually everyone who posts here is better at computer technology then i am hands down .

it takes me hours to go back and find everything people want me to go back and find so i can verify i did in fact post it . and when i have done so it has been brushed off and on to the next topic . so you see i am not wasting my time to go back and repost everything i already have

remember when you asked me for a list of things i didnt agree with trump ? i listed only one thing at first and you said "thats all you have " . subsequently the last 10 days or so i have posted 4-5 things more . your response ? nothing flat out nothing . so i prove your narrative wrong about me and then you fail to correct the record . this game has been played by others before you and i went through the exercise for the same results

sorry if that isnt civil for you


US ARMY retired /mod.
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here is the thing with the MSM

news and opinion are blurred in todays MSM news room . the internal debate is are we going to be objective newsman or are we going to be activist . at this juncture being an activist is winning out

there is no diversity of thought in newsrooms . no minority view points (politically ) , no creative thinking . al news must be viewed from a progressive view point . some new rooms come out and say what they are , some do not

the people however do see it and the media will eventually collapse unless it changes . the media has become ideologically intolerant .

that attitude comes from what they see , and how its presented and ideological intolerance has been encoded in their brains . you dont have violence on campuses , or antifa or other disturbances if we had a press that was fair and objective without being social activists

the role of the media is to report the news without prejudice and let the reader , listener , or viewer decide . you can have editorials but todays media is all about opinion and very little about reporting

the MSM pushes their social activism and then turns around and reports on their own activism . people see this and that is why they turn away

the shorestein study out of harvard (a liberal bastion ) found that CNN HLN NPR , MSNBC and CNBC were negative on trump over 90% of the time the past 3 years
the main 3 abc , cbs nbc 80% of the time negative , NYT 80% negative

only one network was relatively even handed , FOX at 52% negative and 48% positive

now if you are looking for both sides of an issue who do you go with ? the numbers are clear

people point to fox and bash them all the time even though 52% of their coverage on trump is negative

if you are in the 90's in percentile on one side of an issue or not should the viewer ask why that is ? do you ? or do you just say well fox is conservative so 2 wrongs make a right ( even though the premise is wrong )

here is the crapped up thing about the MSM .

JFK wasnt a choir boy , he had affairs with a 19 yr old intern , a mafia boss's girlfriend and an east german spy !! nothing reported about that at the time . LBJ bugged a convention , bugged MLK's hotel room . nothing reported about that at the time . FDR , JFK , LBJ all had files on political opponents and brought pressure to bare on all of them when needed. nary a word from the press at the time

if you listened to only joe scarborrough or Nikki B and had no clue on history you would think you would have to think trump was the devil . but trump wasnt the only one , both bushes reagon and anyone running against the MSM chosen one and who won was called everything in the book at the above mentioned rates , but lest we forget

when was the last time the MSM talked about liberty ? property rights ? individual rights ? how great our country is ? . you are constantly bombarded with almost 100% negative crap because an agenda is being pushed . a progressive one , a socialist one

the MSM has become a political arm of the left parroting what high ranking democratic officials talking points

dont believe me ? lets start with last week and the montage of " constitutional crisis" talk , before that manufactured border crisis , before that stormy daniels before that obstruction , and before that collusion. all networks saying and pushing the same thing . there are more , this week Amish will get the treatment

and we havent even gotten to how stories are covered . if it fits their agenda it gets massive coverage NZ being a prime example . if its christians getting killed in sri lanka then no wher near the coverage in terms of minutes or percentage

and some of you people accept this ! the MSM doesnt report anywhere near the amount of time on HRC , Comey , clapper , brennan lynch , mccabe both ohrs , steele , strozk page , rosenstien and others as they do on phony collusion and you guys are OK with this ? you dont question none of it because your person lost and your principals went out the window with it .

maxine waters has called for the impeachment of every sitting republican president during her time in office and yet you give her credibility ? i bet its because you are so stuck on the MSM talking points you wont investigate it yourselves

did any of you actually take my challenge up ? hell no you did not , you just deflected or made excuses

Sportster 72

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I'll close by just saying my issues, and the other poster's as well, were unrelated to the Politics thread. It wasn't even in existence when we formed our opinions. I posted regularly on the Politics Board here for years, I came here instead because of the lack of "shut up faggot" responses I kept reading (nearly all by the Trump crowd by the way but that's another topic). And I credited Dad for keeping it civil here.

With that said this is by far the most confrontational team board I have ever seen and again this is not specific to the Politics thread. Posters are constantly at each other's throats and I put myself in that group. But as I said I see Dad's role as mod as a peace keeper. That does not mean he cannot share his opinions, and debate them when challenged. I never said that. But a mod is supposed to try to keep things civil, instead he is the worst instigator here.

Peace out.

dad is supposed to be a peace keeper? How do you think that would work, then folks would say he is censoring us.

His job is to keep me from calling people stupid MFers. :pound:By the way … that is not directed at you, just a general point. :D


US ARMY retired /mod.
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dad is supposed to be a peace keeper? How do you think that would work, then folks would say he is censoring us.

His job is to keep me from calling people stupid MFers. :pound:By the way … that is not directed at you, just a general point. :D
people who get into disagreements with me always go back to this . he is the moderator and his job is blah blah blah

well my job isnt blah blah blah . it isnt a job at all . its to enforce the rules here and keep the conversation flowing

and that is what i have done

but for some reason i am supposed to stop fighting hard for my POV while anyone else can fight hard for theirs at will with no consequence . that is complete BS

i have had many shots taken at me . dean has taken shots at me and he hasnt suffered ANY repercussion from me as far as being able to post or having a post moderated or deleted or even banned nor has shark or ebb or sty or DGF or many others

the ones that do get the treatment are the ones who dont follow the rules , who challenge me when i enforce the rules or ignore any and all warnings . yeah they say its because they disagree with me but in reality they want to show there textual ass and want to ignore the standards

i didnt come to this forum after ESPN took a dump to be a textual baby sitter i came here to talk redskins football and as time wore on to talk about other issues . not sit on the sidelines and play fucking hall monitor

whether i am moderator or not doesnt change a thing . . if i was just a common joe , as i was for quite sometime here , would anyone still be running off the board because of me ? i would have no limits , i could insult i could troll i could get right up under your skin anytime i wanted too

there are several things these people can do , put me on ignore , scroll through my blather , go somewhere else but their only solution is to try to silence my opinion with some bogus idea of what they think my role should be

i wont stop giving my POV and fighting hard for it because some people dont like it . so you can use every device you can think of from my role as moderator to credibility issues but when its all said and done i will still keep giving my opinion

its your choice to continue the debate or move on . discipline yourself . dont expect me to do it for you . the problem lies with you if you continue to engage in things that make you unhappy then control you but dont dare think you can control me . that is my stance

and sportster this isnt directed at you one iota . its only directed at people who hold views about what my role as moderator should be


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Did you even click on my link? Cause it really seems like you didn't.

If it helps you...50.9 (Obama's) is a larger number than 42.0 (Trump's).

Like if you have to defend Trump from time to time fine but at least don't blatantly make shit up.

nah I dont click on your links or read your posts because you dont know a thing... besides maybe fortnite or whatever

trump has a higher approval rating than obama at this same stage in their presidency. There are a polls that back it up. I posted those polls.

There are also polls that said HRC would destroy Trump.

Since MSM is mostly bias and an extension of the democratic party and most polls come from MSM well... you figure it out


US ARMY retired /mod.
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The conservative leader defied the polls and won re-election in Australia by embracing nationalism and insisting his country is “the best bloody country on earth.” Labor got crushed by echoing the same progressive rubbish we hear in this country


US ARMY retired /mod.
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The plot thickens , some one isn’t telling the truth, but whom ?


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You have got to be kidding me. Fox and the other conservative sources ripped Obama a new for 8 years. The fact that you can't admit this tells me all I need to know about your opinion, as if it wasn't obvious before.


Huffington post is fake news.

You're better off huffing more glue rather than exposing your weak mind to that garbage.


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The plot thickens , some one isn’t telling the truth, but whom ?
They both are.

Comey is supposed to take the fall to keep this from going into the white house and exposing Obama's and Jarrett's involvement.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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What should be clear to every American is that the allegations against the President will continue indefinitely. The country and Donald Trump will not get a breather.

As Roseanne Roseanadana once sagely said: “it’s always something.”


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Talk to your 2 buddies in Congress and tell me about pitting Muslims vs Jews


US ARMY retired /mod.
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It’s goodbye Russian collusion, hello crooked finances for the anti-Trump movement.

Expect a variety of stories on questionable financial deals by Donald Trump well before he became President.

You heard it here first , come play along !

Sportster 72

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people who get into disagreements with me always go back to this . he is the moderator and his job is blah blah blah

well my job isnt blah blah blah . it isnt a job at all . its to enforce the rules here and keep the conversation flowing

and that is what i have done

but for some reason i am supposed to stop fighting hard for my POV while anyone else can fight hard for theirs at will with no consequence . that is complete BS

i have had many shots taken at me . dean has taken shots at me and he hasnt suffered ANY repercussion from me as far as being able to post or having a post moderated or deleted or even banned nor has shark or ebb or sty or DGF or many others

the ones that do get the treatment are the ones who dont follow the rules , who challenge me when i enforce the rules or ignore any and all warnings . yeah they say its because they disagree with me but in reality they want to show there textual ass and want to ignore the standards

i didnt come to this forum after ESPN took a dump to be a textual baby sitter i came here to talk redskins football and as time wore on to talk about other issues . not sit on the sidelines and play fucking hall monitor

whether i am moderator or not doesnt change a thing . . if i was just a common joe , as i was for quite sometime here , would anyone still be running off the board because of me ? i would have no limits , i could insult i could troll i could get right up under your skin anytime i wanted too

there are several things these people can do , put me on ignore , scroll through my blather , go somewhere else but their only solution is to try to silence my opinion with some bogus idea of what they think my role should be

i wont stop giving my POV and fighting hard for it because some people dont like it . so you can use every device you can think of from my role as moderator to credibility issues but when its all said and done i will still keep giving my opinion

its your choice to continue the debate or move on . discipline yourself . dont expect me to do it for you . the problem lies with you if you continue to engage in things that make you unhappy then control you but dont dare think you can control me . that is my stance

and sportster this isnt directed at you one iota . its only directed at people who hold views about what my role as moderator should be

I think you are plenty fair dad and we all come here to share our opinion of what is going on.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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Now do we buy this poll? I don’t


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Mueller Reportedly Reluctant To Testify Publicly About Russia Probe

Well what the hell was the mueller report about ? Dems want him to say something he really can’t say because he has no damn proof . If he did he would have nailed Trump . I hope he does testify and he gets asked about the make up of his team and why wasn’t the DNC server examined ? Or the fisa warrants ? Or Ukraine or Steele ? Or. Uranium one ? I would love that !

Never mind that Congress IS NOT an investigative body . It’s job it to make laws
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