Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
She has daddy's number tattooed above the golden triangle?.
Andrew desjardins number would have been more apropos
She has daddy's number tattooed above the golden triangle?.
Maybe she refers to that area as "Gretzky's office"
Maybe she refers to that area as "Gretzky's office"
Maybe she refers to that area as "Gretzky's office"
Andrew desjardins number would have been more apropos
Maybe she refers to that area as "Gretzky's office"
that area is actually Gretzkys orifice
That make sense. I was thinking about this last night. My joke was pretty supid because wouldnt "Gretzky's office" be on the backside since his office was behind the net?
She has daddy's number tattooed above the golden triangle?
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
nice toe, btw
That make sense. I was thinking about this last night. My joke was pretty supid because wouldnt "Gretzky's office" be on the backside since his office was behind the net?
Going behind the net is the first step towards scoring a secondary assist.
I"d have already been in the box for butt ending.
That's a gross misconduct - and you'll have to talk to fanny, er I mean Shanny.