The Swann thing has multiple factors involved.
Yes, it's got a lot to do with USCs struggles with its FB program, but it also has to do with the ridiculous "payola for admission to the school" scandal via fake athletic scholarships to get rich kids admitted that occurred under his watch.
So it's another full house cleaning for the USC athletic dept.
Helton is done for sure now no matter what their final record and bowl is.
The AD job should be filled by next month and a final list of coach candidates vetted and ready to go by Nov. They'll have to get it done before the early LOI in Dec. to give him some time to attempt some flips.
Now there has been a lot of rumors that Urban will end up at USC, but I'm not entirely buying that and call it mostly wishful thinking from the national media that slobs on USCs knob 24/7 and egomaniac rich boosters. If USC hires Meyer, it would be one of the worst sell your soul moments in modern NCAA history for USC.
I'm sure the new AD will be looking for a bigtime hire and who will immediately attempt a raid on the top PAC classes to get the dick swinging power party started.
Oregon has probably benefitted the most the past couple years from the dysfunction at UCLA and USC when it comes to west coast recruiting. UW has landed some as well.
Whoever USC brings in will be under orders to stop the recruiting bleeding as priority 1 which means they be bringing in NFL and NCAA guys who can get it done with recruiting.
Generally, I tend to agree with your assessment. I took one of your paragraphs out and bolded the last sentence:
"Now there has been a lot of rumors that Urban will end up at USC, but I'm not entirely buying that and call it mostly wishful thinking from the national media that slobs on USCs knob 24/7 and egomaniac rich boosters. If USC hires Meyer, it would be one of the worst sell your soul moments in modern NCAA history for USC."
"Sell Your Soul", indeed! As a USC grad (1979), it bothers me that they would even consider Urban Meyer. USC does NOT need anymore distractions... they have enough on their plate as it is. SHEESH!