Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
Yeah, the one wildcard though, the staff likes him. As much as we love our staff we know they aren’t above some dumb shit, especially for kids they like. Don’t forget Lindquest and the start of the wildcat fuckery.No one can take even a detailed look at the 4 of them and come up with Haener and his hot reporter mom starting next season. He's shorter, can't run anything close to Colson, doesn't have anything close to the arm of either Sirmon or Eason, and Eason at 6'5" with that rifle of an arm also has a full year of starting experience under his belt. You have to be football retarded to think the 3* kid with nearly no experience and what experience he has is just bad that has a weaker arm and not as mobile as others is going to get the nod... because his mom is hot. That quite literally is fucking retarded.
I’m not worried, but it’s not quite 100% when you factor that in.