Naturally Striped Member
Maybe they lost their Google Ads because of their inability to control the nudie stuff. LOL
What here? That's absolutely why. No joke.
Maybe they lost their Google Ads because of their inability to control the nudie stuff. LOL
I'm upset to hear the same thing...
What here? That's absolutely why. No joke.
And I ain't seen Outlaw in quite some months. Where you been?
No. FN lost their Google Ads and finally had to pull the plug.
Yes, that was Mad Max's idea. He has a soft spot for DJ. But then he and JimJ were besties too...
I'm thinking retribution of some kind is in order.![]()
I'm thinking retribution of some kind is in order.![]()
I work 12 hour days Monday-Thursday, and sometimes on Friday, so Friday is really my only day most of the time to get online since I am standing firm and keeping my flip phone and I don't work at an office job. And it's in the heart of fishing season, so most Fridays I'm on the river. I'll probably be on this site more regularly in the evenings. Fannation was always a ghost town when I got off work.
I've long since found that i can peacefully co-exist with DJ and his idiocy. Hell, I could even tolerate WAMU. Besides, it's still fun to poke them with a stick every now and again.
Ah, I am dense.
Those new money throwdowns... FN's scraping 10% off the top of each bet.
Oh No! Could this effect his application into the "alleged" HM?
Somehow I don't think that's enough. I'm not sure he could buy his way in.
I understand on the phone... it's not even the price of the smart phone, it's the damn dataplan that kills the wallet
I've got this 6 year old LG Cosmos - no touchscreen, pullout manual keyboard - and I'm trying to squeeze a few more months out of it.
Good for you. Perhaps you could make a friends list and you wouldn't mind me contacting everybody on it with complete bullshit about you?
I've had nice touchscreen phones in the past, but I guess with me phones are like sunglasses. If I get an expensive phone(or pair of sunglasses), I'll either break them or they'll fall in the river. This flip phone I've had for nearly 7 years, used off and on between new phones, but I'm just gonna use it until it quits working and I've had this 5 dollar pair of Dollar General polarized sunglasses for like 3 years and I don't think I could lose them if I tried.