it was Akhenaten (aka Amenhotep IV) who introduced the concept of only one god.
before that, there were about 2,400.
so if there is one... why is it yours instead of Buddha or Vishnu, or even Huitzilopochtli?
/not meaning to troll, but I am genuinely curious. i was raised Roman Catholic, but that always kind of bugged me... why this god and not that one? if catholics are right, does that mean that everyone else (muslims hindis etc) is wrong?
To me, all of those gods, and all of the ancient polytheist gods, represent the same entity. It's just a matter of how you perceive it or what you call it.
The Catholic God is familiar to me (and by the way, how uncreative were we to call our god "God?"), so that's how I practice. But as far as I'm concerned, no one, including atheists and agnostics, is wrong. They just perceive the same entity and the same phenomena differently than I do.