Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Near the ikea
Near the ikea
Ruh roh
We need to check on hometown hero Milan Lucic STAT
Ruh roh
hes more of a number 5 orange guy ... same with evander kane lol
So was I last Sunday after I realized that there was no way I was going to subject myself to that ikea line. The sausage and egg made up for the lack of a shelf.No, no baby, I was at the mcdonald's in Coquitlam!
Funny coincidence...Hey Mooger, how's your weekend going?
Brandis: home of the super spreaders !
Hey Mooger, how's your weekend going?
Was watching the news a couple of nights ago with the wife and kid. They had a segment on how the No 5 had put up plexi, etc. I almost said "that one right there in the late 90's was daddy's table!"#5 wont have to advertise on 1040 anymore lol ... brandis skirting (or is it no skirting)the law making it easy for them lol