Team Player
And that is why I don't like open water, it's my one irrational fear. You are so out of your element, those things could do whatever they wanted to that rowboat.
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And that is why I don't like open water, it's my one irrational fear. You are so out of your element, those things could do whatever they wanted to that rowboat.
And they're pretty close to shore too. I don't *think* Orcas go after humans much at all, but I could be wrong. But yeah, the sea is a freaky place. The stuff that lurks in the deep sea is basically all my nightmares rolled into one.
Double was it that only 71% knew the answer?
gotta believe that 10 % of the audience had experienced a donkey punch or 2
When you use a term like that, aren't you supposed to include a warning to anyone who doesn't know the term to NEVER EVER Google it at work?
When you use a term like that, aren't you supposed to include a warning to anyone who doesn't know the term to NEVER EVER Google it at work?