Detroit? So the pilot house is vacant, all the guns have serial numbers shaved off and all markings are in homicide chalk? Is it crewed by only 40 year old Swedish people and the only food served is Little Caesar's pizza?
I kid, I kid. Very cool. I'd love to see something like that first hand.
^^ It's actually a controversial new ship design called the Freedom-class Littoral combat vessel. They are meant to replace the aging guided missile frigates and corvettes that were 80's design, and are outdated. What makes the freedom class controversial is, even though they are meant to be used only in close-to-shore type roles, the navy has found flaws in them with regards to how durable they'll be if they were to come under attack. Also, their electrical systems are wonky. But, they are considered stealthy, and hard to detect with surface search radars, and they have to ability to be manned by as few crewmen as possible.
They're a cool $400 shmill per ship, too. Our tax dollars, hard at work.. lol
Here's a good article talking about what the new design is engineered for. Essentially, it's a sheep dog meant to shepherd the bigger destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers. The expected enemy is a country like Iran that likes to use fast-attack boats in an area like the Persian Gulf. The USS Detroit is extremely fast, and has a very shallow displacement. So, it could theoretically chase fast-attack boats into shallow waters and waste them.