Unreliable Narrator.
Goddam terrorists!!
I think The Onion misses as much as it hits but I liked this one:
Reading-Is-Fundamentalists Slaughter 52 Illiterates
ROCKVILLE, MD—Militant pro-literacy terrorists struck here Friday night, as a pipe bomb exploded at Rockville Adult Learning Annex, killing 52 illiterates and injuring dozens more. Hours later, RIF, a radical reading-is-fundamentalist terrorist group, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Montgomery County coroner Ed Rovere examines a body at the Rockville Adult Learning Annex, where RIF extremists killed 52 illiterates with a pipe bomb Friday. Experts say reading-is-fundamentalism is a growing movement in the U.S.
Committed to the eradication of illiteracy "by any means necessary," RIF was formed in 1973 by a coalition of dissident librarians censured by the government for their extremist views. Some 500 deaths have been linked to the group in the past 24 years, including a 1991 incident in which an armored bookmobile exploded at a Ku Klux Klan rally outside Mobile, AL, killing 83 illiterates.
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Reading-Is-Fundamentalists Slaughter 52 Illiterates - The Onion - America's Finest News Source