I thought growing old would take longer
If you guys dont see posts from me tomorrow... Its cause I have locked myself in the garage with my car running.
C'mon man, you have to admit, my post was pretty funny.

If you guys dont see posts from me tomorrow... Its cause I have locked myself in the garage with my car running.
Went on the liquid diet for several weeks. Started at about 155 lbs, dropped to about 125.
I had crazy nausea.
The high point was about two weeks out when the bands were loosened enough that I could fit a toothbrush between my teeth - sorta.
I have dropped to under 120 pounds right now, and it is really messing with me big time.
I haven't really been nauseous all that mush really, I have been lucky with that so far.
I have a kid's toothbrush that I trimmed down the bristles a bit to work better. It even has a button that when pushed, sings a song for 2 minutes to ensure proper brushing.
I certainly hope it was all worth it for you in the end.
Holy hell, 120 Lbs!? How much were you prior to surgery?
fine your excused from the TPS reports but next time I'm taking your stapler
Can I still move my desk in the basement?
I have dropped to under 120 pounds right now, and it is really messing with me big time.
I haven't really been nauseous all that mush really, I have been lucky with that so far.
I have a kid's toothbrush that I trimmed down the bristles a bit to work better. It even has a button that when pushed, sings a song for 2 minutes to ensure proper brushing.
I certainly hope it was all worth it for you in the end.
Not sure exactly where your incisions were made, but the doctor warned me ahead of time that I would have that problem.
Apparently that and the bands were less to do with the surgery on the jaw and more to do with the muscles. They put three screws in each side of the jaw (still there) but in order to make it as clean as possible, they went through the inside of the mouth and through the muscles, so even without the bands I was physically incapable of opening my mouth more than a few millimeters for a while.
It was worth it in the end though. Looks a lot better, easier to eat, easier to take care of my teeth properly.
Just glancing through this thread...haven't seen it for a while....hope your feeling better IPW...I can imagine it sucks now but realize that better days are coming....after my accident in 2008 I had my jaw wired shut for over 2 months...I lost over 50 lbs....ate nothing but Campbells soup from a blender...I tried many different flavors just to try and get a different sensation but it never seemed to work....I didn't realize until months later...after I started eating normally again that I had lost my senses of smell and taste....I know when I had the jaw wired shut, and the traech, and the feeding tube and the seemed like nothing was ever going to be the same again...but, sure as Hell, slowly but surely it starts falling back in took me over 2 years just to get to the point where I didn't think about the accident every single day...but that has passed as well....just keep fighting...every's all you can do...
reading all of this puts my life into perspective. be happy with what I have. this is all inspirational for those who think they have it bad. Things could be worse!
A-men, my Hawaiian brother... A-men.
^^^^ this and sorry to hear about your toe ww88 was it that damn squirrell again
No. Golden Gopher. Turf toe. See #6783. I couldn't eat solid foods for an hour.![]()
damn gopher on the bright side I hear your wings are involved in the trade rumors surrounding the squirrel
Impossible. Squirrels don't live past 50 years of age?![]()
Do to my jaw deformity, it has always been hard to gain weight. I think I was around 140.
That was one of the main medical reasons why I needed to get this done. The surgeon said that once I can start eating normally again, that I should be able to start putting on weight properly.