ND 14 UM 45
Am I the only one who saw that and thought, "Oh my God...Michael Jackson's not dead!"
At least they could have spelled "December" correctly"
Doing a little Christmas shopping today, I was in a Target and made use of the little boy's room. As I am at the Urinal doing my business, there is a guy in the stall. He is trying to tell someone who sounds annoyed with him (the voice was coming out of the phone nice and loud) that he is out at the library but will be home soon.
I flushed twice. The annoyed voice got really loud after that.
I regret nothing.
TIL that libraries don't have bathrooms.
Looks like the cat is being booked on a feline-ony charge...Purr-fect.
lol, can't take credit for this, saw it from LTrain on the 49er board, but thought it was freaking neat, and really, I had not other place to post it.
Guy was in the bar and he leans over to a woman and says, "You remind me of my little toe."
She replies, "What? You mean I'm small and cute?"
He says, "No. I'll probably bang you on my coffee table later when I'm drunk."