Stance: Goofy
I would love to know what that was about. Shea Weber was in the other box, and didn't look like he appreciated it, whatever the hell it meant.
I'm surprised that they didn't mention that the cat was near death when found, but miraculously came back to life.
It depends on the situation on whether they attack or play dead. If they are immediately threatened or cornered they will be aggressive, but if they sense danger from a distance they will play dead to try to avoid attracting interest.LOL.... I'll tell you this, that possum playing dead stuff is a load of shit. As a teenager I cornered a 'possum on my deck one night. Stupid me with no weapon, that little shit charged me with teeth & claws a showing!!!! From then on I leaves the 'possum alone (unless he's getting in the trash, then it's .357 to the cranium).