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OT: Star Wars discussion thread SPOILERS GALORE!


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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I feel like we need a thread where plot points, events, and characters from the new movie can be discussed for people that have seen the moviie.

This thread is intended for people who have SEEN THE MOVIE.

This thread contains SPOILERS!!

Do not read further if you still haven't seen the film and don't want to know what happens. Especially if you don't want to know that R2D2 was a robot this whole time.



A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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Right off the bat, the fact that they killed Han Solo, and did it in such a nasty way was so boss. That part of the movie felt very Empire Strikes Back.

I thought Adam Driver was great as Kylo Ren. More flawed than a typical Star Wars' villain, but I think we'll see his powers grow and I'm looking forward to more showdowns in the coming movies.

So, questions...
-Is Rae Luke's daughter? (She was fantastic by the way, the actress)
-If being a jedi is basically genetic, why do they have a celibacy clause for all the jedi? (makes no sense)
-Why does nobody have e-mail in this world?
-The Leader (Snope?), that was just a giant hologram of him, right? He's not actually like 35' tall is he?
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Right off the bat, the fact that they killed Han Solo, and did it in such a nasty way was so boss. That part of the movie felt very Empire Strikes Back.

I thought Adam Driver was great as Kylo Ren. More flawed than a typical Star Wars' villain, but I think we'll see his powers grow and I'm looking forward to more showdowns in the coming movies.

So, questions...
-Is Rae Luke's daughter? (She was fantastic by the way, the actress)
-If being a jedi is basically genetic, why do they have a celibacy clause for all the jedi? (makes no sense)
-Why does nobody have e-mail in this world?
-The Leader (Snope?), that was just a giant hologram of him, right? He's not actually like 35' tall is he?

Rey is one of my favorite movie characters in recent memory. Daisy Ridley did a great job with her.

And I think the Force can be passed genetically, but that's not the only way. The celibacy was mostly about keeping the Jedi free from attachments in an effort to prevent corruption.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure that was just a giant hologram of Snoke. If it isn't, though, and he's actually that big, he's got a serious reach advantage in a lightsaber battle.

I also love Maz Kanata. She had a kind of a Yoda presence when she was on the screen, but she also had her own charm.

The acting, tone, and retro look and feel were all big pluses for me. It was physical looking and immersive. It was kind of a rehash of A New Hope plot-wise, and I do hope they branch off of that for the next two, but it was a fine way to kind of introduce the new generation.

Overall, though, I really liked the movie. I definitely liked it more than the prequels, and it was probably roughly on par with IV for me. Of course, nothing can match the magic of the original trilogy because it was so new and so different when it debuted, and that can never happen again. But VII did about as well at that as it could have to that end. It was a good story, it was acted well, and it looked great.

Also, a lightsaber battle in snowy woods without a sun is an amazing aesthetic. That scene was beautiful.


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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Overall, though, I really liked the movie. I definitely liked it more than the prequels, and it was probably roughly on par with IV for me. Of course, nothing can match the magic of the original trilogy because it was so new and so different when it debuted, and that can never happen again. But VII did about as well at that as it could have to that end. It was a good story, it was acted well, and it looked great.

Also, a lightsaber battle in snowy woods without a sun is an amazing aesthetic. That scene was beautiful.

Agree with both those points!

I was pretty excited for that scene from the trailer.

Also, rumor has it Daniel Craig was the storm trooper in the scene where Rey escapes. No idea if that's true or not, but pretty funny if it is. Her "leave the gun" line at the end of that scene was maybe the film's funniest.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Agree with both those points!

I was pretty excited for that scene from the trailer.

Also, rumor has it Daniel Craig was the storm trooper in the scene where Rey escapes. No idea if that's true or not, but pretty funny if it is. Her "leave the gun" line at the end of that scene was maybe the film's funniest.

"...And I'm leaving my weapon."

BB-8's lighter thumbs-up was probably the funniest part to me.


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May 16, 2010
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Yeah I think Rey is Luke's daughter. The only reason I'm starting to doubt if she is or not is that it almost seems too obvious. I threw this out there in the thread on the "Entertainment" board but what if she is Obi Wan Kinobe's grand-daughter? It seems extremely unlikely but it's kind of a fun theory. What was "Ben" doing all those years on Tatooine besides training for how to become a Force ghost? He doesn't seem like the type that would have just headed down to the Cantina and had a one-nighter with one of the wretched scum, but maybe he had a girlfriend for some time and knocked her up. And if it was a daughter then maybe Luke knocked her up making Rey the grand-daughter of both Obi Wan Kinobe and Darth Vader.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Yeah I think Rey is Luke's daughter. The only reason I'm starting to doubt if she is or not is that it almost seems too obvious. I threw this out there in the thread on the "Entertainment" board but what if she is Obi Wan Kinobe's grand-daughter? It seems extremely unlikely but it's kind of a fun theory. What was "Ben" doing all those years on Tatooine besides training for how to become a Force ghost? He doesn't seem like the type that would have just headed down to the Cantina and had a one-nighter with one of the wretched scum, but maybe he had a girlfriend for some time and knocked her up. And if it was a daughter then maybe Luke knocked her up making Rey the grand-daughter of both Obi Wan Kinobe and Darth Vader.

It would make sense, though I'd kind of like to see them get away from the Skywalker Family Drama if they can. A student at Luke's academy before it was wiped out or the daughter of a student, and she had to be shipped off to Jakku to keep her safe during the attack. That would also explain why her parents never came back, if they were slaughtered by Ren and Snoke.

I'll be okay with Rey being Luke's daughter, though, and it will make her showing up on his island a bit more interesting starting the next film. But what I really want to know is how Maz got her hands on that lightsaber. That's the one Luke lost in Cloud City. Did someone go digging in the trash for it? Who would do that?


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May 16, 2010
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It would make sense, though I'd kind of like to see them get away from the Skywalker Family Drama if they can. A student at Luke's academy before it was wiped out or the daughter of a student, and she had to be shipped off to Jakku to keep her safe during the attack. That would also explain why her parents never came back, if they were slaughtered by Ren and Snoke.

I'll be okay with Rey being Luke's daughter, though, and it will make her showing up on his island a bit more interesting starting the next film. But what I really want to know is how Maz got her hands on that lightsaber. That's the one Luke lost in Cloud City. Did someone go digging in the trash for it? Who would do that?

Yeah I'd be interested to learn that as well. Wonder if they found Luke's hand too.

Do you think they would reveal some stuff through flashback or simply dialogue? Star Wars flashbacks to bridge the gap between episodes 6 and 7 could be pretty cool but flashbacks are becoming a bit too cliché and they haven't really been Star Wars' style (unless you consider the prequels one long flashback).


Militant Pacifist
Apr 21, 2010
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Soooo good. I know there's been some (slight) backlash that this felt too much like an "A New Hope" reboot (with a little Empire and Jedi thrown in) but who cares? It quite clearly reset the universe back into OT territory, and opens the universe up for subsequent movies to tell their own story. (Hopefully not another StarKiller Planet 2.0 though.)

The new characters all killed it and are completely "Star Wars". Rey is the best obviously, but Finn, Poe and BB8 are instant classics. Maz too, I have a feeling she's not a one-film character. I liked that they all have characteristics of the classic characters, but are distinct too. Rey is a bad-ass, and very capable, but also a bit wide-eyed and naive. Finn is just so pumped to be out of the First Order; his fear is only overcome by his excitement. Can't wait to see more of Poe, I love how he just wouldn't flinch when captured by Kylo Ren.

Ren was awesome. There's been some hate online, but I love seeing a Sith that is just unhinged and not in control of his power. I also love that they flipped the Vader struggle. Vader still had good in him; he wanted to help Luke, but the pull of the dark side was just too great (until the very end). Kylo has the opposite problem - he wants to fully embrace the dark side. He views emotion as a weakness. He hates the fact that he still loves his parents and feels it's holding him back from being a true Sith. I thought the scene with Han was great.

Didn't love Snoke - we'll have to see where they go. I actually hope he is 50 ft tall - I think that would be awesome. Just some giant evil force user that lives in some cave and manipulates things from a distance.

Rey as Luke's daughter is too obvious IMO. I won't be angry if that's where they go, but I wouldn't mind seeing something more original. I'm with whoever said it above, maybe she was brought to train with Luke at a very young age, but had to be hidden once Ren went ape? Maybe even had part of her mind blocked to protect her?

There's a lot that happened in the 30 year gap that we don't know yet. I don't know how much will be revealed, but I'm assuming we'll see a bit of Luke / Kylo's backstory, either through flashbacks or exposition.

The only other thing I didn't love was how "coincidental" the opening act felt. Some you can sort of explain, like maybe Han had a tracker on the Falcon that activated once it was flown again - which is why he found it so quickly. But how is it that Rey, this orphan with a mysterious past and huge force potential, is just on the same planet where all this "map to Luke" stuff goes down? If it's just coincidence, I'll be annoyed, but I have a feeling that there's a reason the Max von Sydow character is living in a nearby town. Keeping an eye on her, like Obi-wan did with Luke?

Arggh, could go on for days, but I think that's enough for one post! TL:DR


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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Caveat; I have not seen it. I am not convinced I will until it hits the discount theater or Blu-Ray. I just wanted to say one thing;

I mentioned in the other thread that I wanted spoilers because my brother in law threatened to unfriend anyone who spoiled the movie on the facebooks.

He went and saw it Saturday night. And at the end IMMEDIATELY posted how upset his wife was she saw Harrison Ford die. She is obsessed with Harrison Ford. That, ladies and gents is a SPOILER.

I do not really like my brother in law. <- no spoiler alert.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Soooo good. I know there's been some (slight) backlash that this felt too much like an "A New Hope" reboot (with a little Empire and Jedi thrown in) but who cares? It quite clearly reset the universe back into OT territory, and opens the universe up for subsequent movies to tell their own story. (Hopefully not another StarKiller Planet 2.0 though.)

The new characters all killed it and are completely "Star Wars". Rey is the best obviously, but Finn, Poe and BB8 are instant classics. Maz too, I have a feeling she's not a one-film character. I liked that they all have characteristics of the classic characters, but are distinct too. Rey is a bad-ass, and very capable, but also a bit wide-eyed and naive. Finn is just so pumped to be out of the First Order; his fear is only overcome by his excitement. Can't wait to see more of Poe, I love how he just wouldn't flinch when captured by Kylo Ren.

Ren was awesome. There's been some hate online, but I love seeing a Sith that is just unhinged and not in control of his power. I also love that they flipped the Vader struggle. Vader still had good in him; he wanted to help Luke, but the pull of the dark side was just too great (until the very end). Kylo has the opposite problem - he wants to fully embrace the dark side. He views emotion as a weakness. He hates the fact that he still loves his parents and feels it's holding him back from being a true Sith. I thought the scene with Han was great.

Didn't love Snoke - we'll have to see where they go. I actually hope he is 50 ft tall - I think that would be awesome. Just some giant evil force user that lives in some cave and manipulates things from a distance.

Rey as Luke's daughter is too obvious IMO. I won't be angry if that's where they go, but I wouldn't mind seeing something more original. I'm with whoever said it above, maybe she was brought to train with Luke at a very young age, but had to be hidden once Ren went ape? Maybe even had part of her mind blocked to protect her?

There's a lot that happened in the 30 year gap that we don't know yet. I don't know how much will be revealed, but I'm assuming we'll see a bit of Luke / Kylo's backstory, either through flashbacks or exposition.

The only other thing I didn't love was how "coincidental" the opening act felt. Some you can sort of explain, like maybe Han had a tracker on the Falcon that activated once it was flown again - which is why he found it so quickly. But how is it that Rey, this orphan with a mysterious past and huge force potential, is just on the same planet where all this "map to Luke" stuff goes down? If it's just coincidence, I'll be annoyed, but I have a feeling that there's a reason the Max von Sydow character is living in a nearby town. Keeping an eye on her, like Obi-wan did with Luke?

Arggh, could go on for days, but I think that's enough for one post! TL:DR

On Ren, I'm interested to learn his motivation. From this film, it could be any of wanting power, wanting galactic order, or just deeming the Dark Side to be a purer pursuit. I'm leaning toward that last one, that he just thinks there's something more noble about the Dark Side and that he thinks he's doing what he has to or the right thing. And that could be what's tearing him up, the conflict of this belief he has that the Dark Side is right and the morality he grew up with being Han and Leia's son and Luke's apprentice lingering in his mind and conflicting him.

He's a very different villain than Vader was in that sense. Until Vader met Luke, he was completely without conflict. He was totally bought in. And it even took some time for Luke to get in and start to turn him. Vader was imposing and in control. He was terrifying because he was so polished in his power, because even his anger was a cold focus. Ren is terrifying because he's unhinged, because you're not sure what he's going to do next. You knew with Vader if you failed him, he was going to strangle you with the Force, and that's some serious fear. With Ren, there's no telling what will happen. You might survive, or you could be maimed, or you could be killed.

It was a pretty good illustration of that when the stormtroopers walking by the room where Rey had escaped just about faced and left when they heard Ren's tantrum. That was also hilarious.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Caveat; I have not seen it. I am not convinced I will until it hits the discount theater or Blu-Ray. I just wanted to say one thing;

I mentioned in the other thread that I wanted spoilers because my brother in law threatened to unfriend anyone who spoiled the movie on the facebooks.

He went and saw it Saturday night. And at the end IMMEDIATELY posted how upset his wife was she saw Harrison Ford die. She is obsessed with Harrison Ford. That, ladies and gents is a SPOILER.

I do not really like my brother in law. <- no spoiler alert.

Well, Harrison has been trying to kill off Han Solo since VI, so he finally got his wish.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Caveat; I have not seen it. I am not convinced I will until it hits the discount theater or Blu-Ray. I just wanted to say one thing;

I mentioned in the other thread that I wanted spoilers because my brother in law threatened to unfriend anyone who spoiled the movie on the facebooks.

He went and saw it Saturday night. And at the end IMMEDIATELY posted how upset his wife was she saw Harrison Ford die. She is obsessed with Harrison Ford. That, ladies and gents is a SPOILER.

I do not really like my brother in law. <- no spoiler alert.

He sounds like an entire bag of douches.


Well, fuck it
Apr 21, 2010
Like Jesus, I'm everywhere
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Overall I really enjoyed the movie but I did have a couple of complaints:

Get a new plot point. Did we really need to have a third death star get destroyed? We've been there, done that. It just really seemed lazy.

C3PO is the original Jar Jar. I dislike the character and he annoys me. There were already enough throw backs that to legitimize the movie, I don't feel like we needed all of the characters to come back.

Snoke (sp?) seemed a bit lame to me but it will really depend on where they go with him from here.

Those things aside, I really enjoyed the movie. I thought the female lead did a fantastic job. I am absolutely looking forward to see how her character develops in the following movies.

I'm glad they didn't kill off Ren. I was really disappointed when they killed Darth Maul at the end of episode 1, he was the best part of that movie. Ren could use a couple movies to develop his character and he can end up being a great villain.

The lightsaber battle in the snow was cool. Ren freezing the blaster bolt in mid flight was awesome and the score from the two sun scene in A New Hope that they used at the very end of this film gave me the chills. Overall it was a really cool experience. I will definitely see it again before it leaves the theaters.


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May 16, 2010
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I'm glad they didn't kill off Ren. I was really disappointed when they killed Darth Maul at the end of episode 1, he was the best part of that movie. Ren could use a couple movies to develop his character and he can end up being a great villain.

16 yeas later and I'm still baffled by the decision to kill off Darth Maul in the 1st prequel. Nothing against the actor but Count Dooku wasn't nearly as cool. They should have developed Maul over 2+ movies and then had him be the one that Annikan killed at Palpetine's request instead of Dooku.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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Agree with both those points!

I was pretty excited for that scene from the trailer.

Also, rumor has it Daniel Craig was the storm trooper in the scene where Rey escapes. No idea if that's true or not, but pretty funny if it is. Her "leave the gun" line at the end of that scene was maybe the film's funniest.

Daniel Craig at least seems to have played a stormtrooper according to IMDB, and his number was JB-007.


Dead Wings 2.0
Mar 18, 2011
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Soooo good. I know there's been some (slight) backlash that this felt too much like an "A New Hope" reboot (with a little Empire and Jedi thrown in) but who cares? It quite clearly reset the universe back into OT territory, and opens the universe up for subsequent movies to tell their own story. (Hopefully not another StarKiller Planet 2.0 though.)

The new characters all killed it and are completely "Star Wars". Rey is the best obviously, but Finn, Poe and BB8 are instant classics. Maz too, I have a feeling she's not a one-film character. I liked that they all have characteristics of the classic characters, but are distinct too. Rey is a bad-ass, and very capable, but also a bit wide-eyed and naive. Finn is just so pumped to be out of the First Order; his fear is only overcome by his excitement. Can't wait to see more of Poe, I love how he just wouldn't flinch when captured by Kylo Ren.

Ren was awesome. There's been some hate online, but I love seeing a Sith that is just unhinged and not in control of his power. I also love that they flipped the Vader struggle. Vader still had good in him; he wanted to help Luke, but the pull of the dark side was just too great (until the very end). Kylo has the opposite problem - he wants to fully embrace the dark side. He views emotion as a weakness. He hates the fact that he still loves his parents and feels it's holding him back from being a true Sith. I thought the scene with Han was great.

Didn't love Snoke - we'll have to see where they go. I actually hope he is 50 ft tall - I think that would be awesome. Just some giant evil force user that lives in some cave and manipulates things from a distance.

Rey as Luke's daughter is too obvious IMO. I won't be angry if that's where they go, but I wouldn't mind seeing something more original. I'm with whoever said it above, maybe she was brought to train with Luke at a very young age, but had to be hidden once Ren went ape? Maybe even had part of her mind blocked to protect her?

There's a lot that happened in the 30 year gap that we don't know yet. I don't know how much will be revealed, but I'm assuming we'll see a bit of Luke / Kylo's backstory, either through flashbacks or exposition.

The only other thing I didn't love was how "coincidental" the opening act felt. Some you can sort of explain, like maybe Han had a tracker on the Falcon that activated once it was flown again - which is why he found it so quickly. But how is it that Rey, this orphan with a mysterious past and huge force potential, is just on the same planet where all this "map to Luke" stuff goes down? If it's just coincidence, I'll be annoyed, but I have a feeling that there's a reason the Max von Sydow character is living in a nearby town. Keeping an eye on her, like Obi-wan did with Luke?

Arggh, could go on for days, but I think that's enough for one post! TL:DR

finally managed to go out and see the movie

this post pretty much sums up my thoughts on it. can't wait for the next one


Dead Wings 2.0
Mar 18, 2011
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16 yeas later and I'm still baffled by the decision to kill off Darth Maul in the 1st prequel. Nothing against the actor but Count Dooku wasn't nearly as cool. They should have developed Maul over 2+ movies and then had him be the one that Annikan killed at Palpetine's request instead of Dooku.

darth maul was a badass. shame they killed him off so quickly. I wanted to see more of that double lightsaber :nod: