You should say "It doesn't matter why the fuck I wasn't here because I'm paying for this shit."
Counting attendance in college = bullshit.
In my probability class, each unexcused absence results in a drop of a fraction of a grade. I missed one class with bronchitis, so I'm still okay on that front.
The rest of my classes have that 2 or 3 free misses thing going on. Since I missed only one day with bronchitis and haven't missed any other classes, I'm solid on that.
I'm perfectly indifferent to attendance policies. I hated it in my econ classes, because I likely wouldn't have shown up if not for them, and likely still would have gotten a B+ and A- in them, respectively, regardless, but I would never consider intentionally skipping any of the classes in my major or minors. I guess from my perspective, they're unnecessary because I'm paying for this education and am going to show up unless I'm absolutely unable to (like bronchitis day or that time I was so sleep deprived that I started hallucinating), but at the same time, since I always do show up, they can't really hurt me.