I've seen people throw the entire golf bag into the lake, then stop, retrieve the bag from the lake and their car keys from the bag pocket, and then proceed to throw the golf bag back into the lake once again.
C'mon Dash, what could anyone use a million covid-19 test kits for? This is perfectly fine so they can play golf for millions of dollars while people who really need the tests suffer. All good here
I played a bunch of amateur, and a couple junior, events against Brad back in the day. I even squared up against him in an inter-club match. He was good but not great back then. He really put in the work to improve his game. Much respect for him for just flat out grinding it out. Wasn't the most talented player in the Ottawa region by a long shot. Wasn't even the most talented at his club for a long while and yet he managed to play on the PGA tour. Never quit and proved that work ethic trumps 99% of talent.