Seriously, people, take one minute out of your day and put the damn cart back. I have been lucky enough to not have my car dented before, but it's just discourteous to leave your shit all over. Would you go to a restaurant and leave your meal all over the table?
Don't answer that; I worked fast food.
I'd like examples on the first part, and I call bullshit on the 2nd.
I was at the mall the other day. A clerk at J.C. Penny said the company was taking their employees insurance away. Maybe this is just one store, but I think it's wrong. Everyone has to have some kind of insurance or they're going to be forced to pay taxes of some kind. So if you don't have insurance be prepared.
I worked for GFS (Christian owned, btw), and they were making changes in a similar way. They changed the number of hours that constitutes full time, down from 40 to 35, so they had to cut back everyone's hours, because no one could get full time or they'd have to offer benefits they didn't want to. So, these people who were already getting screwed over had their hours cut even more. I don't know enough about the healthcare reform (man I think Obama is going to regret his name being forever linked to this) to give a true opinion, but there's some definite opportunity costs associated with it. Companies saw it as an opportunity to save money, and they're doing it.
I worked for GFS (Christian owned, btw), and they were making changes in a similar way. They changed the number of hours that constitutes full time, down from 40 to 35, so they had to cut back everyone's hours, because no one could get full time or they'd have to offer benefits they didn't want to. So, these people who were already getting screwed over had their hours cut even more. I don't know enough about the healthcare reform (man I think Obama is going to regret his name being forever linked to this) to give a true opinion, but there's some definite opportunity costs associated with it. Companies saw it as an opportunity to save money, and they're doing it.
Grocery stores have been doing it for years. It's how WalMart & Costco do business. I still don't understand why we elected somebody who's main thing was healthcare instead of fixing the economy. Whoever wins the next election is going to inherit a worse situation then Clinton did when he went into office regarding the deficit.
Also, this is purely my opinion and I'm not necessarily educated in the realm, but nevertheless: fixing the economy needs to start with fixing a screwed up higher education system. MAJORITY of students are coming out in the hole and with no savings (*waves*). You wanna know why so many students are going for extra degrees? Well, outside of job/salary benefits, you get to delay your loan payments. HOW in the world can my generation be contributing members to society if we can't buy homes or cars or food that isn't Ramen? Look, I'm not asking for a handout, but I'm asking for someone to step in and see how overpriced college is. It's not just private schools anymore, the state schools are trying to catch up. It's a terrible catch need a college degree (unless you're talented in a trade) to get a job that isn't working at Walmart, but to get that job you must first obtain massive amounts of debt, and in my major I couldn't work in addition, so I come out in debt with no savings. So I basically have to live my parents after I finish grad school. I have no option. Luckily I have awesome parents, but that's not everyone.
University should not be for the wealthy only.
Perhaps US students should go the route that Quebec students do. Whenever the province tries to implement tuition hikes the students all strike and protest like crazy. They may seem like just trouble makers but places like McGill and Universite de Laval are world class schools and the tuition for Quebec residents is ridiculously cheap.
University should not be for the wealthy only.
I've always believed you shouldn't pay for education
I've always believed you shouldn't pay for education
places like McGill and Universite de Laval are world class schools
Students are paying TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in classes that are irrelevant.
Another time I had the pleasure of overhearing a group of girls talk about how communism really is not that bad and they don't understand why Americans hate it so much (It was clearly a group of international students or something). Unable to contain myself, I asked them if they were aware that Stalin was directly responsible for the deaths of millions, to which they responded that Stalin was not a communist, he was a nazi.