I like your beard.
People who get rich and live the high life exploiting others in the name of religion.
Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet - CNN.com
As a Christian, things that anger me most are people who use their position wrongly, or twist scripture to fit what they want. There's a large popular group who do something called the "prosperity gospel". The False Promise of the Prosperity Gospel: Why I Called Out Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer|Pastor Rick Henderson <this guy roasts them. Agree with majority of it. Turns it into some sort of "well, clearly if you're poor it's because you're not good enough for God to give you something." Blah. I went to a (mega)church as a kid...and they had BIG grounds, facilities, etc. It was all very usable space, in good condition, could house the members easily. But for some reason they felt the need to build a new hall (including fellowship hall, gym, classrooms, the works), thus began their money drive. There were a LOT of wealthy people in this church, so they were campaigning hard for donations. Every week...everrrry week it was discussed hard core. Then after months they had this big reveal (I think it was Easter