Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
I hate to damper all the pessimism here, but the world is not going to hell, people don't suck and things are not universally awful. Just look at all the recent things that have taken place lately - the WC was fantastic, the Olympics went off just fine, everyday life for most people goes along just fine - I could go on and on but there isn't enough space. I know it's hard not to think the world is going to hell by what the media reports, but honestly if things were as bad as some have expressed here we would all be dead by now. Bad things are always going to happen, but for every bad event there are thousands of good things that happen every day. In the big picture we are far better off today than we were even a hundred years ago, not to mention a thousand or more years ago.
Rant over.
Really good valid message, I would disagree on the Olympics and WC as examples of good things. Yes we got excitement over them but they came at such cost to the people in those areas. They are so corrupt but we turn a blind eye to that part as we feel and find a false sense of pride in what they now represent and not what they used to represent. Your point however is heard loud and clear. There is good in this world worth fighting for. I'm going to go find some today