Active Member
I have videos of him singing awful Steely Dan songs. Gonna go watch them now.
Really, IPW?
Pretty hard to miss a train coming, but then again, I don't know the whole story.
Why so surprised anyways, you already think I'm a jerk.
Like I said, a guy dies from a train, and you don't fill in exactly how it happened since it was some guy that you had a fling with and just found out that he died.
It's not exactly like he was family or a close friend to you.
I know all the details. Just not that important to share them. And I didn't just have a "fling." He was a friend and my good friends cousin. I hadn't seen him much in the last year but we were still friends. God. Nevermind.
So much for Magooo leaving.
He had nowhere else to go.
I guess he really does like being ridiculed here.
I don't pretend to like you but I was nice when your daughter had to go to the ER.