I am watching the Governor's press conference and every person who comes up has to state that there is no evidence of it being a terrorist attack.NOTE: Whatever you do DO NOT look at any of the responses. It is some of the most tinfoil hat clown takes ever.
Every time I visited my cousin on Kent Island I went across the Key and then the Bay Bridge and back. And the idea of one of them just dropping like that is a terrifying thought.Pretty crazy. The bridge is about a mile from where I grew up and where my mother still lives. I remember when I was a kid my father taking us up to watch them when they were building it a few times. In a way, and this might not make sense, I am glad something hit it. The idea of it just going down terrifies me.
Personal bright side - I turned off my phone last night around 12. Turned it on around 7am and my messages notification buzzed about 15 times as I was feeding my dog. That can be pretty terrifying when you have older and or sick people in your family.
Yeah it's pretty crazy. I thought it was really cool when it opened, so high up and everything you could see. I was always fascinated by Ft. Carroll as a kid and always liked to look at it from the bridge.I am watching the Governor's press conference and every person who comes up has to state that there is no evidence of it being a terrorist attack.
I mean, there is video of the ship hitting the bridge.
Every time I visited my cousin on Kent Island I went across the Key and then the Bay Bridge and back. And the idea of one of them just dropping like that is a terrifying thought.
It's still unreal to me that such a landmark is just... gone. Used to go to Fort McHenry regularly with my grandmother and it filled the horizon. Spent a lot of time with friends on boats in the bay and Patapsco and it was always there. And now it's just not.
killed in every role he played-rip
“He’s not carnival personnel”
you have to have balls as big as church bells to attempt to climb everestLaughing at the comment, not her death.
Altitude sickness is no joke. I just dont get the Everest thing anymore - almost 7000 people have officially summited Everest at this point. Pretty much the same number who "summited" Tara Reid, and I dont think people line up for that anymore.
Base camps described as having rivers of feces flowing through them, garbage everywhere. Uncomfortable or sick for days as your body adjusts. Possible death. Nope.
All for something like this (unless you're a real climber perhaps):
Theres been a lot of accidents already but eventually theres going to be a really big one where an entire "pay to be taken to the top of Everest so you can take a picture and tell friends you "climbed" it" group dies.
On thing that always annoyed me is how Md never seemed to want to do enough to move people around, especially where water is involved. They seemed to like shoehorning a lot of traffic into easily taxable - I mean tollable - bridges.Also I wonder when the Maryland Transportation Authority will announce a resurfacing plan on one or both of the tunnels that will close multiple lanes at both tunnels for the foreseeable future......probably wait until tomorrow to be polite.
It was long enough, and steep enough (mainly on one side) that some people were scared of it. You could pull over at certain spots and have an escort take you over.Just reading that the Francis Scott Key bridge is/was 1.6 miles long. That was quite the structure.
That would be a different beast for sure, in some ways less bad and in some ways much much worse. Imagine the effect on the eastern shore and beaches.On thing that always annoyed me is how Md never seemed to want to do enough to move people around, especially where water is involved. They seemed to like shoehorning a lot of traffic into easily taxable - I mean tollable - bridges.
Could you imagine if this was the Bay Bridge?
I am watching the Governor's press conference and every person who comes up has to state that there is no evidence of it being a terrorist attack.
I mean, there is video of the ship hitting the bridge.