Well-Known Member
Blasted phone, why does AutoCorrect changes "citing" to "voting"? Both of them are words, so what gives? It did it again when I tried to write this post.
Where you there to whitness how the old man told him? what makes you assume the old guy was courteous and respectful with his request?
LOL, who said I was disinterested in the movie (but, since it's during a game, I'm probably there cuz of the GF). It takes 5 seconds and doesn't bother anyone but the people looking for a reason to be bugged. How would you even notice if someone checked a score if you were really interested in the movie.
LOL, who said I was disinterested in the movie (but, since it's during a game, I'm probably there cuz of the GF). It takes 5 seconds and doesn't bother anyone but the people looking for a reason to be bugged. How would you even notice if someone checked a score if you were really interested in the movie.
The rules also say not to shoot someone. The laws say that too, for that matter. You seem much more hung up on the texting than the shooting. To the surprise of absolutely no one.
What theaters are you going to that tell patrons not to shoot each other?
What movies are you going to, Warty? I have trouble finding a movie that's less than 150 minutes.
Ideally the old man should've complained to the theater management if he felt annoyed by the texting. The general policy at theaters nowadays is that you will be asked to leave. And throwing popcorn is definitely grounds for ejection. If anything, he could've complained enough and got some free movie tickets. Instead he let his gun do the talking, which is never going to end well. It just sucks when all it takes is one party to make a better decision at that moment.
Now that I don't believe. I don't know any three year olds who can text.
Where you there to whitness how the old man told him? what makes you assume the old guy was courteous and respectful with his request?
You should never use hyperbole. I cannot think of even one instance where you should use ever use hyperbole. It is the absolute worst form of expression. Just kidding
Somewhere in Texas... Checks rule book... Nope, it just says do it silently and mind your own business.
If you get this irritated about a faint light during the previews of a movie, then you probably shouldn't be out in public when you watch movies.
Gotta omit that "Just kidding," bit. Anybody who wouldn't have understood that still doesn't.
And what is this Hi-par-bowl thing of which you speak?
If you get this irritated about people telling you to follow the rules when you're at a movie, then you probably shouldn't be out in public when you watch movies.
See? No, you probably don't. I'd say you're as dim as the light you're talking about, but in a movie theater they're quite bright. Unlike you.
I should consider my audience. I've omitted that in the past on an obvious joke and it wasn't taken well. But this one was even more obvious.
On Facebook, which I doubt you use, I commented to a mother who said, "Dear Son, 4 AM is not a good time to wake up for the day." I responded, jokingly, that Facebook wasn't the best way to tell her son that because he probably doesn't use it. Didn't put aor say just kidding. I got read the riot act on how I wasn't her boss, had no control over her posts, etc. She deleted my comment and unfriended me. Surprised she didn't block me and call the police. A few of her friends liked her rant before she deleted it. I guess daft oeople stick together or are extremely supportive of their daft friend.
Well, it's clear she didn't get my joke... or enough sleep. Possibly related.
A lot of people aren't going to adhere to every single rule when you go out. Sometimes the table at the restaurant next to you is too loud. Sometimes people are going to be on their cell phones in a movie theater. Sometimes, people even TALK in a movie theater *gasp*. And yes, some people aren't going to respond well to confrontation, especially from other customers.
I realize that you're trying to twist the argument here on me, but one of these people did something relatively common, inconsiderate as it may be. And the other one felt the need to start this confrontation and ultimately committed murder over something extremely trivial.
Now think about it and tell me which of these two was out of line. If you had to pick which of these two guys shouldn't be allowed in public, which would you pick? Think reeeeally hard.
And, no. I don't use Facebook.