I thought growing old would take longer
Best of luck Awaz 

As someone who has been on both sides of interviews I have to say first impressions have a way of setting up the rest of the interview. That said looking good and feeling confident are a must but the thing that I really notice is the handshake. I personally lose respect for a man that does not have a firm handshake.
Do you measure penises too?
Do you measure penises too?
Whatever "brain teaser" question they give you, compliment it and say it's one of the best you've heard. Then hit them with one.
My favorite is "Why are manhole covers round?" The answer is that it's the only shape that can't fall in on itself.
Another one is "You have nine balls. 8 weigh the same, one weighs more. They are otherwise identical. You have one two sided scale. What's the fewest number of weighs required to find the 1 ball that weighs more?"
The answer is 2. Separate the balls into groups of three. Three on one side of the scale, three on the other. One side is heavier, you know the heavy ball is in that group. If they are the same, the heavy ball is in the three you left out. Take the group that contains the heavy ball, put one on each side of the scale, leave one out. Whichever side goes down is your heavy one, if they are the same, the ball left out is the heavy one.
Especially for technical / engineering jobs, hiring managers eat that shit up.
1. Suit and tie
2. Arrive early
3. Firm handshake
4. Look them in the eye
5. Don't ramble
6. Thank the interviewer(s) for his/her/their time
Good luck!
Whatever "brain teaser" question they give you, compliment it and say it's one of the best you've heard. Then hit them with one.
My favorite is "Why are manhole covers round?" The answer is that it's the only shape that can't fall in on itself.
Another one is "You have nine balls. 8 weigh the same, one weighs more. They are otherwise identical. You have one two sided scale. What's the fewest number of weighs required to find the 1 ball that weighs more?"
The answer is 2. Separate the balls into groups of three. Three on one side of the scale, three on the other. One side is heavier, you know the heavy ball is in that group. If they are the same, the heavy ball is in the three you left out. Take the group that contains the heavy ball, put one on each side of the scale, leave one out. Whichever side goes down is your heavy one, if they are the same, the ball left out is the heavy one.
Especially for technical / engineering jobs, hiring managers eat that shit up.
My favorite is "Why are manhole covers round?" The answer is that it's the only shape that can't fall in on itself.
Wrong, the reason manhole covers are round is because manholes are round.
Each of you will be given a hat, red or blue, assigned randomly. At this point, we will ask each of you to declare your own hat colour, starting with the person at the back of the line and moving forward
In that case, everyone declares the same color hat.
With a random hat assignment.
It can't be random if you said each person can declare their own hat color however.
Sorry, maybe I should have said 'guess' instead of 'declare'.
The hats are assigned randomly, and the candidates need to try to guess what colour their hat is if they want to live.
This isn't how you get a job at Disney, is it?