come on man ..... Was a time you were realistic with the cap .... and I respected that
Now you always want to turn 1 million into 400 million with your "wise" ways of doing it ... None realistic of course but that is you
Real world ...... we dont save 6 million cutting Orton .... and please dont make me make you look ignorant proving it
Lol did I offended you in some sort of way? If so I am sorry, btw I never attempt to stretch 1 mil to 400. In addition keep the slick talk to yourself please, I've never disrespected you nor come at you in a manner that would dictate that; treat me the same way please and thank you.
This will probably be my last post here or on any forum, maybe I've drove myself off these boards, or maybe others just love to "hate". Either way time for a change, it was truly my pleasure gents take care and God bless; if we may never cross paths again its truly been my pleasure.