Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
IcymiTaylor Hall cannot contain his excitement in his official headshot for Arizona.
IcymiTaylor Hall cannot contain his excitement in his official headshot for Arizona.
Tom Wilson wishes the Bruins the best of the season.
Jeremy Roenick suspended by NBC Sports for inappropriate comments about co-workers
Still trying to wonder what he said that was inappropriate that wasn't kidding around on the interview?
Nobody got suspended when Jim Nance and Tony Romo mused about doing the Golden Gate Bridge with Michele Tafoya.Jeremy Roenick suspended by NBC Sports for inappropriate comments about co-workers
Still trying to wonder what he said that was inappropriate that wasn't kidding around on the interview?
Here's the thing I guess... Jeremy, his wife and Ms. Tappen may indeed have the kind of friendly relationship where this type of joke is no big deal at all to her. But it's still not the type of joke he should be making on a podcast while representing NBC.
I can think of jokes that I've made about friends that they didn't mind at all and I still probably would have been fired for if I'd said them in the context that Jeremy did (and I don't even have an on-air job where image matters like he does). I think we all can.
^^ Yeah @Comeds, @Bloody Brian Burke he was on a talk show that does this type of stuff and he played along. Roenick isn't the brightest bulb. The joke was wrong and I see why he should be suspended after reading it again.
I think the vast majority of us males have made off the cuff remarks that are pretty offside upon reflection in the new world. I worked in the investment world for a lot of years, and the workplace was pretty much a hunting ground. Could never get away with that now, and it must have been mighty tough for a woman who didn't want to play the game to navigate.
There was a guy I worked with who started each day asking a coworker if this was the day there were going to fuck. Partially in jest, but partially not. And just relentless. Of course, she ended up hooking up with a married dude with five young kids and breaking up that marriage, so maybe his radar was right after all.
Basically, if roenick objectifies her in a public forum like this, it can affect the perception of her professionalism, through no fault of her own. That's a shitty position to be put in.
Do you guys remember back at the swamp when things were totally out of control and we moved temporarily to the Thrashers board?!?
Do you guys remember back at the swamp when things were totally out of control and we moved temporarily to the Thrashers board?!?
About 20 years... fuck.Jesus how long ago was that
FuckAbout 20 years... fuck.