Well-Known Member
I just assumed Mrs B was on the Blackhawks payroll.While we wait for facts, here is a list of firing-able offenses Perry may have done:
but most likely
- Slewfooted a team reporter while they got off the team bus in Columbus, causing severe physical and emotional trauma
- Refused to attend the pre-game meal at Pierogi Mountain
- Did attend the pregame meal, but only drank vodka. No carbs. And sat next to a female team reporter (not the one he slewfooted) and offered to try her borscht
- Said MAF should be permanently banned from the League because of his heritage mask. While wearing his team jersey
- Was overheard to tell the team equipment manager he is the "best stickhandler" in the League. Wink wink.
(see, no mention of Mrs B)
- Told Luke Richardson "you are no Babcock" and refused to keep playing a system that makes an 18 year old punk look good.