I wonder if he is going to be next door neighbors with Andrew or Andrews house is big enough were he can live in the basement or something??..maybe above the garage?:rollseyes:
Big Blow but Luck is STILL serving us very well and will in the very near future:
1. He is in on the new hire, which is fantastic, they (he and Gee) have their man(or woman I guess) now its just a matter of the process of the new hire moving on from their current spot.
2. The Big 12 CCG with 10 teams is now in the bag, good for WVU's financial future.
3. We may never follow an NCAA recruiting rule again, especially if/when Mr. Luck takes over the NCAA..
I think he just talked to Luck. My son said Bradley came in and spoke to him just before his last final on Tuesday. He said he was soooo fired up that he sprinted out of the room, formed tackled Kevin White in the hallway, and was given a chance to walk on next season. He failed the test for leaving the room but what the hell, I may gave the next $$Johnny Football$$.